Here we find many messages of despair: life, our difficult life, seems sometimes not worthy to be lived. Sex, more than real love, seems to be one source of fuel for going on. Often with sex, comes also some affection and, if so, life is certainly more valuable, decent. Then there is intellectual life, entertainment, fantasy, day dreaming. This may be very important but access to intellectual life is mostly an affair of privilege. For the have-nots intellectual food is poor or non existing. Than there are general feelings of well-being that you experience when you breath pungent fresh air opening your window. And there are memories, sometimes elicited by a smell more rarely by a taste (as in the case of Proust’s madeleine). Many old people live only on memories. When the balance of sufferance or emptiness and pleasure and joy is acceptable? On the whole very few people take their life, even if they live empty, joyless lives. Why are they still attached to living, if they cannot attain Life?
Unreal city
Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,
A crowd flowed over the London bridge, so many,
I had not thought death had undone so many.