The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that all our communication with our fellow humans in inevitably corrupted by some form of artifice, lying, diplomacy, etiquette, conventionality. It is no more possible verbal communication in natural, spontaneous ways. You can ask someone what time it is, which way you have to go to reach a place, but almost exclusively to a stranger. If you ask what time it is to an acquaintance or friend there is a high risk, that what you mean is: I have to go, we should terminate this conversation we are having together now. If you ask “how are you”, you rarely are interested in the other’s condition, you only obey to a rule o etiquette. Does someone remember that surreal conversation between Sellers-President and Secretary Kishoff in Strangelove? We are under siege, in verbal communication, by falsity or conventionality. That’s also the reason for which we are comforted by a relationship with an animal. Here what you say, or what you are told is elementary and not corrupted (normally, at least on the part of the animal).
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett