Intelligence. No such thing as intelligence defined in abstract exists. So IQs and all normal talking about intelligence are mostly nonsense. Each animal is equipped with the ability to interpret and process signals from the environment (these signals are not received haphazardly from the environment but are looked for directing attention to some relevant parts of the environment). Thus the problems that a wolf, a bat, a fish, a hawk must solve are not mathematics, logic or metaphysics but are problems of survival an reproduction of themselves and of their species exploiting the resources and avoiding the dangers of the niche where they live normally.
Moreover, for me, for us and for anybody belonging to the so-called autistic spectrum, the problem of survival is that of avoiding relationships where we would be losers and constrained in conventions and languages which are foreign to our niche of psychic survival. Survival here is not mainly physical survival (it may also be that, if the damage is unbearable and exposes the subject to a lessening of defences against sickness ot to suicide) but something behind that and more fundamental. Theologians would talk perhaps of survival of the soul.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett
Yes.. I completely agree. Intelligence is misinterpreted, there are many different forms of intelligence. I had clients who were "mentally ret*d" and I would be shunned for talking to them as if they were "normal"! I would tell them a joke and they would respond with the joke. Just because a being lacks the capacity to talk doesn't mean they're stupid. If anything these clients of mine were much brighter in terms of empathy and sincerity, makes sense though.
I believe animals speak through emotion. Their gaze can send a certain image, I believe us as human beings are able to send these images back as well.