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09 Feb 2008, 5:04 pm

On one side I feel uneasy when there is too hyped praise for diversity for diversity’s sake: all this disparaging talking about NTs. What are the values we extol against discrimination and neglect for people in the spectrum? Tolerance, respect, a certain idea of life. But here we should be more specific in talking about “life”: also slaughterhouses, wars, prisons and so many things are, in some way, part of “life”)? On the other side we need to address to some class of people who have something in common: here there are “people in the spectrum”. Could they federate, so to speak, with other people who are victims of a society deaf to tolerance: women, disabled persons. blind, handicapped persons, immigrants, gypsies, gays, religious minorities)? Is there some common value with other victims of a busy, hurrying, mutilated way of life in the western world? Perhaps we should draft a “manifesto for diversity”

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12 Feb 2008, 6:57 pm

It has to be a unified effort to produce a manifesto. You are right about some the things

you said.

Do what you can when you can. I'm also the "alien"they are looking for.


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13 Feb 2008, 5:01 pm

preludeman wrote:
It has to be a unified effort to produce a manifesto.

I agree that such a manifesto should come frome discussion. I will try to put down some ideas to provoke interventions, maybe also in different threads. Any contribution is welcome.


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13 Feb 2008, 6:53 pm

We should include all people from across the autistic spectrum.
It should promote attention on the issues we all face.
We should ask for Holly wood to portray us in a positive and truthful light.
We need to also promote the need for universal understanding, and it has to be both

AS and NT together.

Do what you can when you can. I'm also the "alien"they are looking for.