One Year Anniversary of the Dino-Aspie Cafe Party!

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16 Feb 2008, 4:22 pm

Birthday Party!
Come up to the extension of the Original Dino-Aspie Cafe. It's been a whole year, as of today, so we're having a one year anniversary party! Find your first post in either thread and post it! Toga toga toga!! !

Free cake and beer, and a very special contest, which Chuck is winning at the moment.

Dino-Cafe Party

:jester: :star: :heart: :cat: :D


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16 Feb 2008, 4:50 pm

Not extinct yet!

:bounce: :viking: :heart: :jester: :geek: :flower: :bounce:

Wisdom must be gathered, it cannot be given.


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16 Feb 2008, 5:14 pm

Not a chance! :drunken:


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16 Feb 2008, 5:18 pm

Old Aspies never die - we just perseverate on the interiors of our coffins! :skull:


Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.


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16 Feb 2008, 5:24 pm

HEY! No perseveratin' on the coffins. I might have ta clean that up...oh wait perseverations. OK. :lol:


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16 Feb 2008, 6:33 pm

been kinda reticent; I can't go through 600 pages of backstory..;)
but I'd probably fit in there...;)


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16 Feb 2008, 7:18 pm

Oh yeah, you'd fit in. See, in those days we had tables to hide under, and it was dark, and there was always entertainment to distract anyone from making eye contact. Oh, those were the days! :D


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16 Feb 2008, 7:37 pm

At the Cafe sans Sartre topic

I was not here one year ago but since I do not go to parties as a rule I thought I would come here.

Congrats. What is this forum all about?

Radiant Aspergian
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16 Feb 2008, 7:54 pm

Hello Sartresue!

One year ago, I began this thread:
The Dino-Aspie Cafe

And after a very few short months, this adult forum was created for us old farts. Some folks didn't want to be in here, and kept the essence of this thread in another forum, outside the walls, as it were.
The Dino-Aspie Ex-Cafe

I unstickied this version and let it drop off the page. Meanwhile, the newest incarnation is going gangbusters in the welcome forum.
We're just celebrating having a place for older aspies to hang out and jabber or sit under tables and watch.

Welcome! And have a muffin.

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17 Feb 2008, 11:52 am

richie wrote:
lau wrote:
SleepyDragon wrote:
lau wrote:
... how is everyone with electric shocks?

I am told that as a baby, I pushed a hairpin into an electrical receptacle (North American, 110-135V) and escaped undamaged except for two tiny burn marks on my pinky finger.

I can tell that as an adult, I helped out my cousin by replacing a light bulb. Very old building. (You may be guessing where this is going, soon.) Tall ceilings. Pendant light. I stood on a chair. Took out the old bulb. Started pushing in the new one (we use bayonet fittings, almost exclusively - push and then twist about 5 degrees). To do so, I had the fitting cupped in my hand - above my head still. What I found out later was that where the wire went into the back of the fitting, it was just that - wire. The rubber insulation had perished and powdered away long ago. My grip had forced both naked wires into solid contact with my finger. The light was one of two in a gloomy corridor. I needed the other one on, to see what I was doing, lacking a torch. You know the joke about "What's black and hangs from the ceiling?" When I got up off the floor, I had escaped undamaged except for two tiny burn marks on my index finger.

Ai Oi!! ! English plumbing, English wiring! Remind me to stay on my side of the pond. When I was working in electronics, my specialty
was switching power supplies and class-D amplifiers. I got zapped many a time whenever I accidentally touched the +/-330 volt DC
"rails". 8Ouch!! !

This was my first post on the New Dino Aspie Ex Cafe....
And I think this is the only post I made in the Old Cafe:
richie wrote:
If the Dino-Aspie Cafe had a real life counterpart, what would it be?
I'm thinking of Geezers at the Grey Beards Antique emporium in Jacobus,
Pennsylvania a few miles south of where I live.

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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