Why do people insist that they know what other people are thinking? I'm always shocked when people tell me why I've done something and it has nothing to do with my actual motivations.
Complete stranger accused me of being sarcastic online (where no tone of voice is observable) when I wasn't being sarcastic. My ex-girlfriend, out of the blue, accused me of thinking about someone else while we had sex. And on and on.
It's like people are constantly digging for other people's motivations in their own mind instead of asking the people they're thinking about.
They must know that they can't read minds. They're not all stupid and they're not all trolls (are they?) I don't get it. It's tiring and anxiety-provoking, and I don't know how to prevent it, foresee it, or dodge it except to avoid people. And I never get over it; it always upsets me. It destroys the conversation.
Why even talk to other people if you're just going to tell them what they're thinking and refuse to believe them when they correct you?