A man walks into a hairdresser's and asks the barber "How long do I have to wait for a haircut?". The barber looks around and, seeing the place is very busy, replys "Hmm, about 90 minutes". "Fair enough" says the man "I'll come back later". But when the Barber shuts up shop for the night hours later the guy hasn't returned.
Two weeks later the same man walks into the same barbershop - "How long must I wait for a haircut?". The barber looks around, fairly busy "About an hour" he replys. "OK, I'll come back later" says the man. Again, when the barber shuts up for the night the man hasn't returned.
Several days later same man, same barbers. "How long 'til I can get a haircut" - "About 45 minutes" - "Alright, I'll come back"
But, of course, he doesn't.
This begins to happen more and more frequently and soon the barber is getting a little fed up, and begins to suspect he has new competition in the hairdressing trade. After it happens one more time he turns to his assistant and says "Look, I'm getting a bit concerned. Every other day the same man comes into this shop, asks how long he has to wait for a haircut and when I tell him he says OK he'll come back, but he never does. If it should happen again would you follow him to see where he's going?" "OK boss" says the assistant.
Sure enough, next day the guy walks into the barbers "How long before I can get a haircut?". Barber looks around "Say half an hour". "OK, back in a while" says the man and off he goes. But this time the assistant is in pursuit.
An hour later the assistant returns. "Well did you follow him?" asks the barber. "Yes I did" replys the assistant. "And did you find out where he has been going?" asked the barber, "Yes boss, I did" said the assistant. "Well Where?" asks the barber.
"Your House" says his assistant
"Oh Well, Whatever, Nevermind . . ." - Kurt Cobain