questor wrote:
I am now in my mid fifties. My health issues make me feel old in a physical sense. In other ways I have trouble feeling as old as I am. Because of my Asperger's I often act younger than I am. Also, I see people on TV and think of them as being older than me. Then I will look them up online, and find out that they are considerably younger than me. It's like my self image stopped aging several decades ago, so I have trouble grasping that I am actually as old as I am. It is very unsettling at times. I guess my self image is kind of like Peter Pan. It isn't ready to grow older.
Ditto that. The people I identify with in films and television are almost half my age. The entertainers who are the same age as me look ancient and decrepit.
I hate it. I don't look my age, I've always had the appearance of being at least 15 years younger than my actual age, but I still can't stand it. What's worse is, I see some of the aging in the mirror, but it still looks essentially like me. When somebody takes a photograph of me and I see it, I don't even recognize that person in the picture, but he looks like hell!
When I look at others my age, whom I've known for years, I feel like I'm looking at a bunch of gargoyles - and none of them seem to mind being wrinkly and fat (of course, most of them are happily married). I've worked out and watched my diet every day since I was 32, to stave off the physical decay and I'm afraid its all going to have been for naught. I know its kind of superficial, but I'd like to think there's still a chance of meeting somebody nice and having some sort of relationship, at least some sex, before I'm too hideous to be remotely attractive, but of course I never go anywhere to meet anybody, so I feel like the last opportunities of my life are literally slipping away from me, day by day.
"I don't mean to sound bitter, cynical or cruel - but I am, so that's how it comes out." - Bill Hicks