So my wife tells me we've been married for near 18 years. I've been single for most of the rest, humm one bad one but happily it didn't last long. I would guess a little over a year. Over the course of time our own needs became more apparent. My need for white noise at night and while she said it didn't bother her I knew it did, her bed habits invaded my space, badly. Snugly, I am not. I moved out of the bedroom. Now that doesn't mean other normal activities don't occur and now if I were to attempt to sleep in the same bed, she would probably boot my ass out on the floor. I have a cave in a room, she respects my need for space, that doesn't mean we don't meet else where and often. In other words think out of the box. No need to conform to the make believe happy family bull s**t the TV/media feeds you, it's a lie. Sex, openly discuss it and figure it out, think out of the box.
Change her? Her change me? I stopped trying that very early on, change comes from within. No, I think the marriage or any other type of contract between two people or even more, shouldn't be looked at as a static contract. In other words it should evolve as we evolve. Compromises are needed over a span.
There are many other examples I could have used as well. But to do it you have to be very straight forward and both need to be aware it isn't a shove away, as in I don't like you. And yes it can be rough at times, but the great thing about my wife and I is, we were friends first and still are and that has gotten us through some rough times. I can be a real son of a b***h to live with. She's no angel either, and damn it but I so love her when she isn't.
Love changes as we do.
If you have exhausted the options, maybe it isn't a good match to begin with. My first marriage sure as hell wasn't. I thought we at least might be friends after, as there were kids involved. That didn't work either.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.