I get told 'you need to get out more' a lot. And its frusterating. Part of me wants to do just that - get out there, socialize, have some sort of a life. But then there's part of me that is perfectly content staying at home, and another part of me that is even resistant to the whole idea of getting out more and, more specifically, getting myself into social situations that I know I'll hate. And the worst part is that I don't have too many friends. I can always leave the house and go to Starbucks by myself, or the gym by myself, or the movies by myself, or wherever else, by myself. Going by myself doesn't seem to count much, either to myself or to the people telling me to get out more. But its a catch 22 - you need friends to go somewhere with someone, but you need to go somewhere with someone to meet new people. Sigh.
A lot of it too is that what's normal for an Aspie is not normal for an NT person. I mean, I think most Aspie's probably stay at home far, far more than most NT people do. And we're being held to NT standards because people either don't know we're aspies, or if they do know, still cannot relate well to us. I don't blame them but its hard to be on the receiving end of it. I wish we lived in a world where Aspies outnumbered NT's.... then we'd all be making fun of them for getting out too much, etc.