Legato wrote:
The more I look into it, the more I can't wait.
Q: For the skill shortage thing, if I don't have a level 7 certificate (bachelors), but I do have 2+ years of relevant work experience in the field, and plans to base my career in that field, is it still easy-street to get in NZ, or no?
Edit: I suppose it's all a matter of getting a job offer first?
Work experience already gives you points in the points calculator.
Select 'yes' on:
"Was the work experience gained in a comparable labour market or an area of absolute skills shortage?"
Also select 'yes' for the section of 'will you be living outside Auckland' ..that gives you 5 free points.
I did a guessing calculation for you based on the little I know of you. Im guessing you are under 30 years of age, some college but no 4 yr degree, you're a US Citizen and your education was in the USA, and your job experience was in the USA.
Without a job offer in NZ your score is 50. With the job offer its 120.
The problem is the job offer can only come from an NZ company that is certified to issue work visa support.
You're lucky the IT field has lots of those so it's very likely you'll be selected much faster than me.
Go to the forums in the link I provided, there are links there to many IT job places that provide visa support.
However, you must understand that 'IT' means you need to be MSCSE (or however you spell that bah) and have an IT degree of 2 years minimum to be considered a skilled professional. I tried getting in the IT way due to my own tech support / networking 'IT' job I had for a couple of years but was told that didnt count for much as any high school student in NZ could do that job too after a little training (which is true nowadays)