CityAsylum wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
CityAsylum wrote:
BellaDonna wrote:
Thankyou, I appreciate that
I already have an 11 year old girl in care. She had an autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit. I looked after her on my own for many years and it isn't easy. I don't want to have a another baby. I think if I really am preg I am going to have an abortion or give up for adoption.
You are 23 years old, and you have an 11-year-old daughter???
I can see where that WOULD be pretty overwhelming . . .
she said,
in her care.Merle
Sorry, I'm not following this. It says, "I already have an 11 year old girl in care" (not
in her care), and "I don't want to have a another baby".
I thought that meant that BellaDonna already has a child, who is 11, in some type of care facility. Which sounds truly overwhelming, especially at a young age.
So, forgive me if I misunderstood, and my sympathies, in any case. Parenthood is difficult enough without the extra issues.
Best of luck!
I was a little confused with the wording too.
Anyways to Bella, even though I personally have opinions on what should be done in that situation, it is your situation, not mine or anyone elses, so the decision is solely yours. I wish you the best, whatever you choose.