Each of us knows how much effort requires “to pretend” to be normal. But except for the practical, sometimes ineludible, necessity to get a job, is this effort worthwhile or even is it a real strategy for survival? to survive morally? You may spend all your life in faking, in falsity, in not being able to be recognized for what you really are. To be not reccognized and accepted, if not loved or liked, puts on you a heavy and untolerable burden, worse than that of having to do the effort of feigning normality, Because it deprives you of your real existence and makes of you a sheer shallow appearance.
Holden Caulfield discovered, in his Youletide odissey in NYC that nearly everybody around him was “phoney” and I think that most people are just pretending to be something different from what they are. As a constant eavesdropper I have discovered myself that in conversations happening in the street or on the public benches, or on the buses and trains neraly everybody pretends, or, in other words, lies.
So I am definitely in favor of making any possible effort to have your interlocutor know that you are radically different, that, even if you are able to express fluently in words this is only acting.
But, by God, what effort again that means. Nobody understands what being ASD means, and keeps you prisoner of your fluent, if normally scarse, talking to maintain you in this straightjacket of having to feign. It would be better to be silent, Perhaps wear a badge identifying you as autistic, like the yellow star of the Jews in Nazi Grmany. But in this case it would be you who would decide to wear the badge.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett