Nostromos wrote:
But how do you deal with your anger? What has been your experience with hatred?
i can feel anger. i can not feel hatred. i do not understand what hatred really is. i never wished anyone to be dead or anything if that is what hatred is.
how do i deal with anger? i usually mutter to myself, but if someone tempts me into an explosion, i usually relate to them every thing i find pathetic about them.
it does not matter how long term a friend they are, i will tell them everything i have ever noticed that i think is pathetic about them.
then i tell them to go and not come back. that is private anger.
my public anger is going to get me in trouble one day.
i made a serious scene at a supermarket once where i dare not to return to.
i was in a self serve checkout, and i scanned all my goods, and then i pressed "finish and pay", and i paid.
then, as i walked out, the siren started bleeping about me. i stopped and turned around, and a supermarket employee wanted to check the contents of my bags against the receipt i got. so i suffered the indignity of having 5 minutes of my time wasted while my bags were emptied onto a desk and every content was checked off against my receipt!! !.
they decided that it was the batteries that i bought. they were registered as paid for on the receipt, but there was a bug in the system which means their alarm strip was not nullified when i scanned them.
they said sorry it was the batteries, and i was absolutely feral with rage, so i took the batteries out and threw them at the head of the person who caused me anger by mistrusting me, and he ducked and they hit a shelf of coffee tins, and they caused a spill in that aisle.
i said "keep your f*cking batteries you pieces of sh*t!! ! i paid for them, but you can have em back!! !! don't block my exit now...."
they let me go, but i do not want to venture into that supermarket again.
i have insufficient anger management when i am falsely accused, and one day i will be arrested for it.
if those batteries had hit the persons head i was aiming for, they would have legitimized a charge of assault.
i just like to keep away from the public mainly.
i am safe by myself.