In my own situation, I think that the research I did (and my interactions on this forum) BEFORE I went for evaluation was as important to me as the actual diagnosis. The Dx provided validation - but the research has given me the tools by which to address the way AS impacts my life.
There is an awful lot you can do on your own - start by reading Tony Attwood's "Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome". Then look into the various books by Temple Grandin (I found "The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships" to be extremely helpful.) The book I'm currently reading - "Asperger's From the Inside Out," by Michael John Carley- is also a good resource.
These books are extremely well-written & the authors are experts in the subject of AS (Attwood is arguably the world's foremost authority & Grandin and Carley both write from their personal experiences growing up & living with AS.) Each book will doubtless lead you to another that is equally helpful (at least, that's been my experience.)
"I am likely to miss the main event, if I stop to cry & complain again.
So I will keep a deliberate pace - Let the damn breeze dry my face."
- Fiona Apple - "Better Version of Me"