Learning2Survive wrote:
actually a girl in my class was talking online to a boy and she was telling him about her soccer team and school. and one day an FBI agent showed up at her door and told her parents and her teachers that he was posing as this boy and that his job is like to teach kids about this. anyway, i basically think that kids should not be unsupervised anywhere. that's how they get into drugs
you should not let teenagers roam around town without an adult. you should not let them sleep over or visit their friend's homes without supervision. maybe you are right merle. maybe you are wrong. it does not really matter who is right. i'm just expressing my opinionated opinions.
maybe it is because i don't drink alcohol, don't smoke marijuana, never did drugs, and don't buy lottery tickets, while my classmates are getting drinking ulcers, knuckle abrasions, broken arms, stds, date rape, aids, and failing exams and missing interviews all cause they don't accept the slippery slope argument that if you start something, you are going to slip down a slope. how far you slip, you really don't know.
if you have a kid online, you should
1. post a clear, short list of rules of never giving out your name, address, etc
2. post a list of fake name, address, age, etc. that the kid should use when ppl ask
3. teach questions a predator might ask to gain their trust
4. go to your shool principal and find this kid some peers from your town that u know in person who will chat and play multiplayer games with him rather than random strangers
5. and you should install a keyboard spy and read everything your kid posts
6. btw, AIM is how HS kids get invited to parties where their friends get them to drink, do drugs. and after they smoke weed, they have unprotected sex.
i'm just telling you like it is.
and it is all AIMs fault? I don't think so
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon