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19 Apr 2008, 5:26 am

Hello boys and girls,

First, and, by way of introduction, I'll say that if I were forced to give myself a label of someone else's creation (and since, as an autodidact, I once read the DSM whilst sitting on the toilet - ah, if only it had fit!), I might have to self-identify as a -very- (hello, my ego!) high-functioning aspie. I check in here at Wrong Planet every once in a while (and say to myself, each time, "No... Right Planet, Wrong F***ing Century"), but that may just be an artifact of that high-functionality that I "suffer" so grievously from (and doubtless need to be cured of)...

Anyway - my troubles with brevity fully exhibited (well, not quite) - on to the Santa bit:

I'm a (very - weeks) short time away from launching a line of niche products (purely for "fun" and "enjoyment" - any "therapeutic" or "educational" benefits being welcome, but not "marketing promised", outcomes - but, at the same time, those benefits not being entirely unexpected, as I consider "fun" to be, itself, ... rather therapeutic and educational) aimed at (for purchase by) neurotypical parents of children who are, for lack of a better term (suggest one if you've got better), "on the autistic spectrum".

I expect the line to do rather well (but I always expect that - so, who knows), and I'm looking for a non-profit (or otherwise, if I sufficiently like what you're doing) to donate some percentage of the revenue towards. I'm not looking for any kind of sympathy tie-in or marketing gimmick - if I were after that, I'd simply go partner with Autism Speaks (though I'm probably not "money" enough to be on their radar, these days) and contribute to my own demise. In fact, on marketing, I'm not terribly thrilled about the idea of even, in public, mentioning that x% of revenue will go towards anything but my own (deserving) corporate pockets, but will consider doing so if it's something for which there's a clear net-positive mutual benefit (ie, you and/or your organization, or nomination, is one that could use the PR, in addition to the money).

So, long story cut short, if you'd like to suggest a non-profit (or other entity) to receive a revenue share from my venture, please do so here. Naturally, given the venue in which I'm posting this request, and the nature of the products, I'd prefer that the organization be, at least tangentially, somehow autism related - and, necessarily, positive - but don't let that stop you from posting an idea if you know of someone doing something good, but just a bit too quietly. I do have a preference for organizations that are already extant and active in some form - so, I guess that means no suggestions that exist only in "idea" form (of course, if the idea is interesting enough, and if you're prepared to fully & devotedly execute it, feel free to violate that preference as well!). Also, please feel free to send me a PM if for any reason you'd prefer that to posting within this thread.

Thanks for your time and suggestions.


ETA: Preference also given to US 501(c)3 organizations - because, hey... it's a write-off!


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19 Apr 2008, 1:18 pm

Autism Society of America


Who is John Galt?
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19 Apr 2008, 7:12 pm

Hi Santacl...Autism

Yes, an Autistic community, probably AS, for live/work, similar to the artists' community I used to live in, which was the old Colt Building in CT, where Colt used to manufacture firearms.

From my 9 years being very most happy living in my artist's community (but then being bought out and gentrified about 5 years ago), I can only see the similiarities between what would be a community of live/work space for artists, and one for Autistics. This was the only time I was ever really happy, and the only time I really socialized and enjoyed socializing.

A description of the artists community in relation to AS, in response to the first post on the page, can be found in the second post on this page.

I think it would be nice to have a physical space to act as a center for various studies and projects, strictly worked on by Autistics. I have the basis of a new science, Anthroponomy, which I think is very excellent for AS furthering and which is very important for humans to understand themselves, as they're missing avery simple and evident science about who they are. After discovering I had AS last year, anthroponomy then expanded to included the phenomenon of Autism. Anthroponomy is pretty important, as it is an actual science by which humans can determine the differences between themselves objectively, and make decisions based on scientific evidence, rather than opinion - which humans couldn't do because they have compassion and need to be certain before placing a decision on an individual about who and what they are. All men are not created equal, but each is completely unique. Until human law can be created to abide by this truth - instead of what people want to be true - law, and its society will continue to fail.
Also, not all humans are human, as sociopaths are actually homo-spapiens who lack the higher feelings and intangible traits of human, which is what humans feel and sense and thereby identify themselves as "human". Without these higher traits and feelings - for example, compassion - then the individual cannot be human, because compassion is a necessary human trait. Without such a necessary trait as compassion, there remains only an intelligent mammal, a homo-sapiens AKA "sociopath").

The homo-sapiens is so vastly destructive to human society and everything on this planet that it is nearly unimaginable when you take the whole process into account. Homo-sapiens can be identified before they can speak; placed among a group of human children, they will be the one who sees a human child deriving a stisfaction from thir toy, and who will then steal that human child's toy to then gain that perceived satisfaction. But, as predictable, the homo-sapines child will be unable to derive any satisfaction from the toy, and the human child will cry, upon which the adult in charge will give them a new toy, which will stop their crying, and they will resume gaining a satisfaction from their new toy. the homo-sapines child, deriving no satisfaction fron the toy they stole from the human child, will now forcefully and angrily throw the toy down, and then steal then new toy the human child is now deriving satisfaction from.
This process continues on through the life of the homo-sapiens, the means and methods of harm becoming more and more sophisticated. The total damage done to society is that a small percentage of the populace destroys all trust in that society, makes 99% of the laws necessary, creates relentless personal hurt and harm to individuals, and the individuals of the society become embittered, defensive, competitive, selfish, uncaring, hardened, etc., which then perpetuates itself further from the individual level to the societal level.

There are absolute steps that can be take to stop this cycle. But, homo-sapiens, however destructive they may be, did not create themselves, and so cannot be and should not be held responsible nor punished for what they are. Rather, understanding the homo-sapiens in a human world and society, they end up hating themselves, having to always hide their true nature, pretending to feel things they don't feel and then acting upon those feelings they don't and can't have, feeling afraid and self-hating because they cannot feel guilty, nor can they feel love, nor any of the higher feeling which defines a human, coveting the satisfactions humans have and being destructive to the source of those satisfactions since they, themselves, cannot ever have such satisfactions ... and on and on, with the whole cycle and process feeding back into itself and perpetuating itself.

This can be stopped, and needs to be if the human race is going to stop destroying this planet and become a 'conscious' species. Much work and much input is required for this science to be developed just into the theoretical stage, and a physical facility is ever-useful for bringing together and supporting individuals who are needed for the success of such a large undertaking - within which mistakes cannot be afforded.

There is, no doubt in my mind, many other important projects that Autistics/AS would have to contribute; we have been major contributors throughout history to the sciences, math, the arts, and all the various intellectual tools which provide the quality of life available for us all on this planet.

The Benefits of a Building/Community/Complex/Center:

A tangible, physical asset like a building only continues to provide all manner of assets, without end or limitation. Anything can be pursued, and the Autistic community now begins to become self-supportive and free from the reliance of what humans will fund. We can now fund ourselves and select our projects. The yield from the efforts now produced can belong completely to Autism, without politics, compromise, PC, or any other human interference, and such yield can be placed back into the Autistic community ... as Autism sees fit, no longer as humans see fit. We begin to turn what is considered a 'disability' into an asset; for it is true that very tiny populace of Autism has contributed so very huge a percentage to all culture and society on Earth.

The community aspect is simply wonderful. Autistics suffer an aloneness and a feeling and sense of unbelonging precisely because we are not autonomous and relating with each other. I am proof that an Autistic who was essentially home-bound can live in a different environment of community and flourish in every way.

This represents full and ever-lasting autonomy for Autism, a community to provide immediate sanctuary and well-being to those Autistics who choose to examine - for the first time - whether Autistic community is fulfilling, and which community can serve as proof of success to all the Autistic community.

Having a physical center which is not NT, but instead fully and wholly Autistic, empowers Autism to find a very real path to not disability - but ability. One single success of any kind would be an historic milestone; but I cannot help but forsee many different successes in many different aspects.

The facility of a tangible building for both live and work would also provide a National - or possibly world-wide crisis center/sanctuary for those who might have a desperation or who simply cannot continue to suffer alone, and for whom NT 'paid care' is not at all what is needed as compared to actual acceptance, friendship, and true belonging. For myself, I can no longer benefit from NT's who earn a salary to 'be my friend'. I do not need nor want such ever again.

Any other cause is NT-compromised with NT policy-makers and NT-influenced, and does not empower Autism, but disempowers Autism by continuing Autistic reliance on NT. The support of any other cause is a temporary support to pay the salaries of NT's and not Autistics, and which support is used in a small matter of time and then no longer creates any benefit to Autism.

A community/center/complex which is wholly Autism benefits Autism life-long and beyond. Such support never stops giving, and always benefits Autism and Autistics directly, bypassing all NT fees, costs, salaries, and "percentages". Not one penny goes into the NT world, but always remains inputting back directly to Autism, for Autism, by Autism.

There would be much work to be done to even find a suitable location and structure. Because of the tendency for Autistics to isolate, I have seen that a single building with spacious studios - an Urban Village - provides the perfect balance and very complete fulfillment between self-needs and social needs. The total expense is high, but the cost-efficiency is excellent from the community I model after. An influx of funding makes the project real, and from there, more funding comes in as the project becomes more and more real. The very reality of the project is the authority by which it becomes more real.

I cannot find a greater benefit, and I'm a little too familiar with non-profits and how they exist to give the director a nice-paying salary. There is no such 'director' in this endeavor; it is fully community and everything that is done is done from 'giving' - and not in order to 'take' anything, but to provide. There is nothing to be gained by any single individual except the amazing opportunity to live and succeed as I have done and know is possible, and no NT can gain ... so no NT can compromise the integrity - because there is nothing available for an NT to gain.

Lastly, this is an opportunity, not to prove to NT's (for again we keep away egos, and there really is absolutely nothing in this endeavor for any NT to attach themselves to and gain from, and so it can remain pure to its intention), but to show Autistics everywhere what the possibilty of Autism really is once actualized. Just this alone is needed so desperately. Autism needs its own success; not that of an individual, nor that supported and condoned by NT's, but as itself, belonging to all Autistics by right.

I have worked since 5yo to achieve what I am today at 45yo. I know what is possible - especially if Autistics do not have to spend 40 years figuring out and undoing the harm and damage sustained.

Oh ... added note, since I out-brevitize you. Yes, this is an idea. Yes, I can and naturally would devote myself massively to the project, as it's what I've been examining and looking to do for some time. Yes, it is a large undertaking. Yes, the funding can wait :P Yes, it would get done. Yes, I have business experience, and all sorts of lots of experience. No, I'm not terribly organized, but I am terribly organized. No, I will not ever create a non-profit anything, ever, since the NT government places far too many restrictions on non-profits and sticks its nose and ever-increasingly constrictive regulations into everything you *thought* you were going to do, and that there simply is no room for NT's or their government in an Autistic community venture. This is not any NT-condoned non-profit status; it has no status relative to NT except for 'separate'. It will be as private as possible and exempt from as much governmental and NT intervention as can possibly be formulated. It is an Autistic venture, in common. Any profits will be placed back into the community. Nobody profits; all Autism profits. Autistics do not need to operate like NT's. Separation, because we are honest, fair, and juste. Personally, I love opulence. My palatial and opulent loft had perhaps a full $1,000 of furnishings, appliances, and such. A communal all-purpose vehicle would be necessary. In a community, I don't need my own, although I have 3 vehicles right now. So, I guess I could share mine. Vehicles are a good asset as well.

And, yes, I will be placing my own money (limited, but a life savings) into such venture. It might pay for the paint.
Oh, I forgot; it would be nice to engage in the arts as well, so I'd be looking for a sound studio and a record label. Everything would be done and run by Autistics. Studio time would be free, based on the label's artistic selections.
All of this is possible with such a facility.
"If you buy it, they will come."

I hope this proposition will invite consideration.


- Archetype

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19 Apr 2008, 9:18 pm

St Judes Children's Hospital.

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19 Apr 2008, 9:21 pm

I'd recommend the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. [Full Disclosure: I'm the Founder and President of that group] We're run by and for autistics. We're active in lobbying both state and federal government on behalf of the autistic community's priorities on the basis of pursuing respect, understanding, support and acceptance of neurological diversity and have been active in promoting the autistic community's interests in the media as well. We believe that awareness isn't much use without acceptance right alongside it.

We are currently in the process of getting 501c3 status, but we can already accept it as if we were a 501c3, as we have a friendly organization willing to operate as a "fiscal agent" through which donations can be processed as a 501c3, so any donations you make to us will be tax-exempt. You can read about some of our recent activities at, though we're going to be performing a major expansion and update of that website and its content soon to reflect our recent chapter expansions and strategic partnerships with other disability rights groups. You can also get a better feel for our policy positions by looking at our recent statement to the Florida Autism Task Force, which was posted on Wrong Planet and is also available here:

Can I answer any questions you might have about our work or anything else?


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19 Apr 2008, 9:58 pm

I'm currently in the process of incorporating and establishing a nonprofit organization to provide advocacy, support and services for adults with AS/ASD and learning disabilities. I'm just in the beginning stages, though, and looking for start-up grant funding, so I realize that you might prefer an organization that is already well-established.

See my thread in this forum for more info if you need it.

Queen of the anti-FAAAS. FAAAS does NOT speak for me and many other families!!

Life is not about waiting out storms, but learning to dance in the rain-Anonymous

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 Apr 2008, 12:03 am

archetype wrote:
I can only see the similiarities between what would be a community of live/work space for artists, and one for Autistics. This was the only time I was ever really happy, and the only time I really socialized and enjoyed socializing.

Yes, I've been down the artist::autist road, and have also seen many similarities - and have tried to work them into this venture.

I'm not sure I'm with you 100% on "homo-sapiens vs. humans", where the dividing line is single subjective psychological trait like "compassion" (or empathy, or altruism, or anything else, either "good" or "bad", positive or negative, in any combination). This is likely because I approach from a perspective informed by physics and higher maths that has a tendency to color my views of all creatures as belonging to an infinitely diverse spectrum, so, while what you're saying (might?) wind up focusing on the divergent aspects of certain subsets of spectrum (or of a spectrum which is itself a subset), I most often attempt to view things through a convergent lens, and look for the similarities (leaving the differences to out themselves, naturally, as "dissimilarities", without the expense of energy to go looking for them - which I've found can develop into a tendency to create them anew, even where they do not, in actuality, exist, until they are "focused upon" and, so, brought into existence, in general consciousness). I hope that makes sense, and explains a little bit why I think - and not just for practical reasons - that we part company over the idea of "creating a wholly separate and independent society". (It's the "separation" (isolationism) in there that I take issue with, for the most part...)

The take-away version being: I'm not so much interested in creating further granularity (as you said, all are already unique - so, I happily leave "proving" and "ceaselessly categorizing" this to social taxonomists to waste their time) - but am instead interested in pointing out that, if you're looking at the "proper" or "biggest" or "most meaningful" or "highest order" or "biggest picture" spectrum, well, we're all on it. (I've often wondered why this insight hasn't made it into the marketing aspects of autistic advocacy groups - the message, to everyone, in my view, should be something along the lines of "Welcome to the Spectrum".)

Oh, I forgot; it would be nice to engage in the arts as well, so I'd be looking for a sound studio and a record label. Everything would be done and run by Autistics. Studio time would be free, based on the label's artistic selections.

I've noted this, and, if you can stomach the participation of some non-autistics, I may have some welcome news for you in the future, as this dovetails nicely with the project I'm working on at the moment...

Thanks for your time and obvious passion.

Emu Egg
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20 Apr 2008, 12:10 am

AutisticAdvocacy wrote:
I'd recommend the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network...Can I answer any questions you might have about our work or anything else?

Hi Ari,

I'm familiar with your organization and your own personal activities on behalf (and thanks for those)!
(you were already on the short-list, no questions - thanks for the info on your fiscal agency arrangement)

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20 Apr 2008, 12:22 am

@nutbag: ASA noted.

@velodog: St Jude is local to me and already gets some of my time. But thanks - they do great things!

@westernwild: Startups vs already established is a tough call, as I mentioned - it's kind of a "reinvent the wheel" vs "provide some momentum" situation, and in this particular circumstance, I think providing a push to something already moving under its own steam might be the way to go. Thanks, though - and good luck with the grant process!


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20 Apr 2008, 9:20 am

santaclautism wrote:
@nutbag: ASA noted.

@velodog: St Jude is local to me and already gets some of my time. But thanks - they do great things!

@westernwild: Startups vs already established is a tough call, as I mentioned - it's kind of a "reinvent the wheel" vs "provide some momentum" situation, and in this particular circumstance, I think providing a push to something already moving under its own steam might be the way to go. Thanks, though - and good luck with the grant process!

I certainly understand, Santa, thanks. That's the problem I'm gonna have finding start-up grant funding, but I understand where they are coming from with that. I'm gonna have to find a foundation that focuses on start-up grants, I'm sure there are some available.

Queen of the anti-FAAAS. FAAAS does NOT speak for me and many other families!!

Life is not about waiting out storms, but learning to dance in the rain-Anonymous

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23 Apr 2008, 8:36 am

Hi cLautism,

I appreciate your thought and reply.

santaclautism wrote:
Yes, I've been down the artist::autist road, and have also seen many similarities - and have tried to work them into this venture.

The less self-promoting artists I was familiar with found a great relief at having a community where they could be themselves. I did as well. When I can walk around barefoot in a sheet (toga, cause I got tired of wearing pants in the summer ... and skirts didn't do over well) and nobody minds, I'm happy.

The point is, without the sanctuary and haven of an "artist's community" ... there would be no "artists' community" for artists to have a community that was a sanctuary and haven for themselves.

This isn't about the 'seperatism' you're speaking - which I understand; this is the same thing as an artists' community. Artists had Open Studio weekends ... and I left my studio doors open most of the time so people could come in - even strangers and NT's and non-artists; they got to meet a real artist and see how I lived and worked in my 'habitat' and ask me all kinds of questions. Given my community and the confidence I gained about being myself, I was able to let people into my life that I otherwise would never have.

It isn't about seperatism, it's about gaining that confidence about oneself. After that, a person can now give. I am ready to give now, in my life. I've spent my life doing my thing, and I don't have an urge to write poetry for three years from waking to sleep anymore. I could use the sanctuary and haven of a community where I can regain the confidence and success that comes with being in a safe environment where you can be yourself and are fully accepted - and can therefore accept yourself and begin having - and expecting to have - successes instead of failures.

I have always described the artists' community I lived in as "magical, wonderful, and beautiful." I wouldn't want anything other than that.

santaclautism wrote:
I'm not sure I'm with you 100% on "homo-sapiens vs. humans",

I understand this is radical. But humans need this.
Given the nature of what your philosophy is - and I won't disagree with it because I view (and have viewed at some point) everything in every possible way - I don't think you can realistically expect even 1% of the populace to share that view as you might.

There is a difference between what we might want to be true, and what actually is true.
There's also a difference about what can be true, and what just is true ... 'face it' kinda thing.
So, unless what is and can be true is faced, there will never be any progress, and so there's no actual point in trying.

Dividing lines are a reality for the people on this planet. You might view things differently, but I think we can be certain that nearly everyone else will continue to view things as they do. For example; how many people on this planet are really capable of understanding the concept f your views which you wrote about?

I view all this as Heaven on Earth. But I really don't and won't expect others to see that. You have to go outside this reality to know how much you want to get back in to be able to understand this world as Heaven, and that there are no real differences, and that there is no real suffering, and that everything is miraculously beautiful - compared to the infinite beyond the 'protecting veil' of this creation.

But that's ... that; and this is this.

Humans have to understand that there are intangible human traits, and that not everyone is created the same, and that many people who look human lack the very traits that humans identify as humans. Until humans are willing to - and can - understand this and make provision for it, the people who lack sufficient human traits to qualify as human will continue to do the 99+% hurt, harm, and damage to all society that they actually do cause. Although they cause this damage, it isn't their fault, since they were created that way. is up ... if you would like to see the initial website and something which faces the real truth - instead of what we might want to be true (AKA 'morality') - and does so in the most humanitarian way (and the most Autistic way - being compassionate and empathetic).

It really doesn't seem like this world has much more room - or time - for what everyone wants to be true anymore. What is true needs desperately to be addressed. anything else will accomplish more of the same increased mayhem - and divisionalism along with it; as there isn't a concensus on what people want to be true, but there certainly can be a concensus on what is scientifically true.

Hence; anthroponomy; a science about what is true - and isn't going to change being true.

santaclautism wrote:
we part company over the idea of "creating a wholly separate and independent society". (It's the "separation" (isolationism) in there that I take issue with, for the most part...)

You're higher-functioning than most Autistics. You can obviously navigate this world better (if not far better than most, if not most all).

I will now be rather hard.

Your philosophy does not matter to me - or to the people who are suffering beyond your comprehension day-to-day ... minute-to-minute. I know that suffering because I was right there. I am fortunate to have found my way through things. It took 40 years.

Philosophy, veiws, moralities; they only cause more suffering.

No-one's philosophy is good-enough to justify continued or more suffering.

How you personally prefer to view the Univers is utterly moot in comprison to the real, actual suffering that is really actually happening. Every moment is a living hell and a living nightmare for those who are alone and unaccepted and lost. I know; I was there.

the take-away version being; How dare you place your self-comforting viewpoints ahead of the actual suffering that is very real???

I understand your views; I have had them, too.

They do not matter. Without a place that is a sanctuary, without a real home to belong to, too many people will continue to suffer, alone.

the reason for excluding NT's is because they cause the non-acceptance and isolation. This is the opposite of a very real isolation - not the intellectual "isolation" you wrote, but the real, individual, and emotional isolation that needs to be cured - if suffering is to be addressed at all.

Sorry to be so sharp, but I think you can handle it. You mean well. But you will always fail to do well unless you ae willing to serve selflessly - and selfless does not include what you prefer to think.

If you are not willing to serve selflessly, your contribution goes toward funding more of chaos.

You said this:

santaclautism wrote:
I'm not so much interested...
I happily leave "proving" and ...
but am instead interested in...
I've often wondered why...
in my view, should be...

Where is there anywhere in this anything that will actually benefit anyone?

I ask you to step up a notch, because I can ask, and because you seem intelligent and thoughtful enough to be able to aspire to and achieve "doing better". Doing better is a way of life. Once you stop, well, there you are.

There's no room for what I want to be true; I learned this 20 years ago ... when I was 25 and thought I was ready to do something positive in this world. But that was just me thinking something I wanted to be true; I found out it wasn't so true the hard way - but luckily caught it before I did any real damage to people. If you're going to contribute, it has to be selfless; otherwise you cause or support or fund more of the same stuff that wants to be true, but isn't.

Yes, it sounds wonderful - and is. But; is it really true? Is that the way it really can be???

Look at me, applying for funding by being sharply honest with the funding source. Leave it to an Autistic. I am actually exceptional at marketing; I have no desire to be, anymore. That's one of the benefits of having discovered what I am; Autistic. I only care about what's true, now. If it isn't true, you pay the piper for it, somehow, anyway. It's never worth it. You never sell your soul; ever. Otherwise you lose your soul.

In response to:
"Oh, I forgot; it would be nice to engage in the arts as well... etc.."

santaclautism wrote:
I've noted this, and, if you can stomach the participation of some non-autistics, I may have some welcome news for you in the future, as this dovetails nicely with the project I'm working on at the moment...

Haha! I can stomach many an NT. I'm hardened enough to ;)
Seriously; All Autistics (with perhaps the exception of a few very high-functioning like yourself) appear to need a lot of thier own space and time. We can only socialize for limited amounts of time. Given a community without NT's, it becomes easier to relate with NT's because of the acceptance, confidence, social success, and relief from suffering, depression, anxiety, etc., etc., etc., which being alone among NT's causes.

Autistics can relate to NT's as they wish. I, personally do not wish to relate with NT's ... but that may only be at this time, since I've been so isolated for so many years (going on 3 years of being alone with no friends, no company, just sitting alone by myself, in nowhere, doing nothing, seeing nobody all day long, everyday). It's too painful for me to go into the world right now and deal with NT's. I have nothing to smile about, nothig to laugh about, nothing to talk about other than the fact that I'm dying of lonliness. "Acting" like I'm ok only makes me feel more alone.

This would be true for almost all Autistics, from reading the forums here.

Having a community where I can gain all the things I need to gain, I can begin to feel ok again, for real, and I can begin to relate with the world, more and more positively. The 'separation' is, in the end, for the hope of eventual contribution, as the individual becomes more able, given the safety, security, and growth made available by the relief a sanctuary and haven allows.

for, of, and by; because NT's would turn it into some sort of marketing campaign for themselves ... or something-or-other, and destroy the whole thing - like they always do, like they did to my artists' community, like they always do to everything.
Whether we want it to be true or not; they always do.

santaclautism wrote:
Thanks for your time and obvious passion.

Thank-you for your time, your passion, and your desire to help end suffering ... and for your acknowledgement of my passion. It's rare that someone has the insight to call it 'passion'.
When will you be unveiling your music-oriented project?

Best Regards,

- Archetype

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24 Apr 2008, 4:34 am

I am planning on starting an regional non profit that focuses on assistance for autistics of all ages and their families. I am currently in the planning stages for it, do have a name picked out for it, Western Illinois Autistic Assistance Center. It is not incorporated, but I hope to have it incorporated in either by the end of 2008 or 2009.

"Support, love, and acceptance" My MySpace Profile My Facebook Profile