If I'm the only one who has seen this movie, here is some information --
I severely dislike this movie. Mainly, because I was really looking forward to it, and it highly disappointed me.
Its not horrible. In fact, it has its good parts, and it seems like they really tried to make this accurate.
But some of the ways they portray people with Austim, or with AS really gets under my skin and upset me on a deep level.
I like that this movie tried to explain to the world what we are -- People. People who sometimes have a hard time with life.
But in many places, it also failed at that expression, and turned us into idiots.
I know thats harsh of me to say. I understand it must be hard to avoid stereotypes, and some how capture individual, three dimensional people, on a two dimensional screen.
But it bothers me.
And I hope that some day we can improve on movies based on this mental diversity, by providing a less negative view point of people affected with this new strain of mental activity.