Jenk wrote:
They're either confused or more likely being purpousfully ignorant, scare mongering, very effective results no doubt.
Milk amoung other Casein containing dairy products seem to result in detremental symptoms for many Autistic individuals (Intolerance, allergy, leaky gut, opiate effect blah.) Thus this part is true "A link between dairy-free diets and improved autism symptoms."
Of course it doesn't cause it, however, avoiding dairy (milk in stints) growing up turned out to have legitimate explanations and proved a shrewd move for one so young.
Mostly I am glad I live in the UK. Our worst advertisments tend to be compensation based - "Have YOU had an accident in the last five months. WE can get YOU the money you deserve!" Not targetting disabled communities to advertise erroneous corporate beliefs.
See, I don't think the casein or gluten itself causes autism, nonetheless the ethyl mercury in the thimerosal, if that was true that components like that cause autism, then many more people would've been in the spectrum. I think there's a genetic component somewhere that lends a hand to having food intolerances and worsening of symptoms with environmental triggers. Perhaps those of us in the spectrum might lack the ability to remove some substances, whereas others bodies easily can? Perhaps those of us who are in the spectrum lack the enzymes to metabolize things? I don't know.
I think a lot of corruption and bias does happen in the science community when it comes to autism, and instead of doing meaningful empirical studies, people are too busy thwarting things and fighting each other.