Aspies are a minority, which would make us more likely to be liberal, as well as eccentric, which would make us more likely to
be liberal (although there are plenty of eccentric conservatives). However, Aspies also are usually very analytical, logical, and cerebral
and less visceral and empathetic. These qualities would tend to make Aspies more conservative, as would the general Aspie tendency
to dislike change. So there's some truth to what many prior posters have said. Having said that, due to the fact that Aspies are more
politically aware and tend to have high I.Q.'s and be passionate toward things, I think that it is safe to say that Aspies are LESS LIKELY
to be political moderates and/or independents than N.T.'s are. Most Aspies are probably either liberal, libertarian, or libertarian-leaning
conservatives. I myself am a libertarian-leaning conservative Republican. I'm pro-life, generally pro-gun rights, pro capital punishment,
opposed to hate crimes legislation, pro mandatory HIV/drug tests in some situations (participating in contact sports and for certain jobs, respectively), opposed to distributing condoms in schools (although I'm fine with a 16 or 17 year old being able to purchase condoms at a convenience store), and pro teaching creationism in schools (I myself am a creationist, and I have NEVER believed in macro-evolution, even
in my pre-born-again days). However, I support legalized flag burning, gambling, prostitution, and pornography, and I oppose school uniforms, censoring the internet, and increased FCC regulation/fines of TV and the radio. I also support lifting the travel ban to Cuba (and probably the
trade embargo too). I'm undecided on whether or not drugs should be legalized, but I definitely don't think that drug users/possessers (as opposed
to dealers) should be imprisoned. I think that homosexuality (at least male homosexuality) is primarily biological. While I oppose gay adoption
and gay marriage, I support limited Civil Unions for gay couples (i.e. granting them some, albeit not all, the rights of marriage). I am pro legal immigration, but don't believe in granting amnesty (a.k.a. a pathway to citizenship) to illegal immigrants.
Economically, I am a free market, libertarian-leaning conservative, who opposes corporate welfare and farm subsidies. I'm moderate on the minimum wage, and support government-subsidized childcare and family leave. On every other economic issue, I'm conservative. Center-Right
on taxes and government spending (definitely to the right of Bush of gov. spending, who spent like a Democrat, if not worse), support eliminating the estate/death tax, pro free trade, generally for less regulation on businesses and banks, pro private property rights (i.e. against eminent domain and rent control), pro bankruptcy reform, pro employers being allowed to permanently replace striking workers, pro school vouchers, pro merit pay for teachers (and making tenure much harder to get and making it much easier to fire teachers), pro tort reform, pro market-oriented solutions in healthcare.
On foreign policy/national defense/counter-terrorism issues, I supported the Iraq War and the surge (with some reservations), support Missile Defense (i.e. Strategic Defense Initiative), support keeping U.S. involvement in the U.N. to a minimum, support enhanced interrogation techniques
on terrorists in some situations, and oppose shutting down Guantanomo. As I previously stated, I support lifitng the travel ban to Cuba, and I also support linking trade to China with human rights.
On institutional reform issues, I support term limits and the line-item veto, and I oppose liberal campaign finance reform (e.g. McCain-Feingold),
as I believe that it tramples first amendment rights without reducing the influence of money in politics. I oppose the so-called Fairness Doctrine
and Campus Speech Codes.
On environmental/energy issues, I take an "ALL of the Above" approach. I support drilling in ANWR and offshore (come to think of it, I wouldn't
mind drilling in Sarah Palin either, she's hot!
), and also support nuclear energy and clean coal technology. I don't believe in human-caused global
warming (its cyclical and has very little if anything to do with human behavior) and concomitantly don't support a cap and trade policy to limit carbon emissions.