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Are you liberal or Conservative?
Consevative 26%  26%  [ 109 ]
Liberal 74%  74%  [ 316 ]
Total votes : 425


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20 Mar 2009, 12:12 pm

I have no idea what I am. I'm like a mix between the two...


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21 Mar 2009, 1:13 am

Self centered.

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31 Mar 2009, 5:52 pm

I've been called everything from a homophobic facist to a tree hugging anarchist. Presonnally I know I'm very conservitive, but i'm pro gay marrige, anti-death penalty, pro-legal immagration, anti-abortion, pro- responsible use of welfare and goverment assistance, anti-globalization, pro-military, anti-drugs (execpt legal prescription and personal use of marijuana). I don't mind the goverment bugging me, and I think President Obama deserves my respect even though I didn't vote for him and don't think he'll be able to permenently change anything for better or worse. Politics is like religion everyone thinks one thing about everyone else, and who knows who's right, I don't. What I do know is that anyone who knows that thier way is the only way is probalby wrong.

and that I can't spell today.

I am the Devil's Advocate, the constant point of opposition to any arguement, a nessicary force ment to challenge the strenght of our beliefs, to ensure the survival of the mind and soul.

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31 Mar 2009, 8:22 pm

I used to be extremely conservative, republican, homophobic, anti-abortion, and slightly racist... then I realized my own political beliefs (or the ones I was brought up to have) were oppressing me. I am now a liberal socialist haha.

Although, I don't believe my Aspergers has anything to do with it.


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31 Mar 2009, 11:56 pm

Fresh Cut,

How were you anti-abortion views oppressing you? And how were your views in general oppressing you, especially
since your Aspergers had/has nothing to do with your oppression? I don't understand. Please elaborate!

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01 Apr 2009, 12:43 am

I was raised in a conservative household, my father, who was never diagnosed but I suspect had Asperger Syndrome like I do, was the main reason my family was so conservative. But I'm pretty much a liberal socialist humanist. I believe in the individual's right to make their own choices and believe government should be Laissez-faire in regards to what private citizens do in the bedroom, but I'm a Keynes-like economic supporter, and believe that government should take a special interest in preventing corruption in the marketplace. To give some people (namely Canadians and those familiar with the politics of Canada) an idea, my favourite politician of all time is Pierre Trudeau. That sums up my views perfectly if you know of Trudeau's legacy.
I also acknowledge, however, that I am young and do not understand everything, especially in regards to economics, and would like to learn all I could about the subjects before forming a complete concrete political viewpoint.

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01 Apr 2009, 7:05 am

The following definitions of liberal ( characterize me:

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression. (For me this doesn't quite include hate-speech, holocaust denial, etc., though I understand it can be hard to draw a clear line here.)
7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant.
8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

I'm kind of a socialist, I suppose; I like universal healthcare, that's for sure.

I don't think rigidity in personal routine entails traditionalism in politics.


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01 Apr 2009, 11:11 pm

I enjoy change and find it exciting


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02 Apr 2009, 1:18 am

I'm near Bush on the political spectrum. No wonder I voted for him twice. :D

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18 Apr 2009, 6:43 pm

I don't label my political beliefs. I support a lot of ideas on both the conservative side ( gun rights, death penalty, etc) and the liberal side ( equal rights to all races, religions, sexual orientations, etc. )

I do think being an Aspie gives an idea of what its like to be discriminated against, and my sister is a lesbian so I would truly be a hypocrite if I were to discriminate against anyone. We are all human beings, and these silly forms of bigotry are below what we are and can be.


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19 Jun 2009, 7:28 pm

In as far as political labels are useful, I'm a socialist. It's probably been said before on this thread, but in the UK the labels are different, Liberal here traditionally doesn't mean particularly left wing, and the Liberal party aren't. Left is supposed to be the Labour Party but in practice it isn't very left wing. Probably slightly more interest in fair play than the Conservatives though.

Of course the labels are meaningless without definitions. To me, a right winger is a person who is glad that most of the goodies are concentrated into the hands of the few, and who deals with it by trying to get into (or to stay in) that small privileged group. A left-winger is a person who abhors the fact that most of the goodies are concentrated into the hands of the few, and who deals with it by supporting redistribution and by looking for a better social system.

So I don't want to be a right winger because I wouldn't like myself for being so selfish and greedy.

I also have strong anarchist leanings, because I don't trust authority very much and because I like the anarchists I've met.

But I don't really identify totally with any political party line (anarchists probably don't have to) - I just favour parts of this or that kind of thought.

I don't really understand the US political system - from my perspective it looks like they've removed socialism even more completely than the UK has, and are left with a choice of right-wing or centre governments. I can't understand why ordinary Americans tolerate the bosses being able to hire and fire at will, and having no significant welfare state, and such extreme poverty. On the other hand, it seems to be a less class-ridden place, British institutions are still quite snooty and stuffy, though I think it's slowly improving.


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07 Jul 2009, 2:55 am

I believe in the dignity of all living creatures and depending on what we might discuss, I could be categorized as either "liberal" or "conservative" but I voted liberal

I never was good at joining groups!!

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07 Jul 2009, 3:52 am



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07 Jul 2009, 11:27 pm

I score Left-Libertarian on the political compass, but I'm "conservative" by temperament in that most so-called "conservative" politicians here in the US are not conservative at all, they are dangerous radical authoritarians. I am a Democrat, if I was a Brit I would vote for the Lib-Dems.

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08 Jul 2009, 8:32 am

According to, I'm a left libertarian (Anarchist). I don't nessasarily disagree with it though, I am more left-wing and more libertarian, but I have my issues with some aspects of anarchism and leftism is general.

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10 Jul 2009, 9:45 pm

I would same I am a life long liberal bordering on socialist,I am also a pacifist prefering dipomacy to war and hate those that sit on the moral high horse.But I also belive om equality for all concerning race,sex,religion and most importantly social class it is the duty of the wealthy to keep the poor out of poverty because the poor are the workers that make industry run they are the bottom of the pyramid,the foundation of all society the fall,society will follow and anarchy and chaos will spread.But I have no patience for societal parasites those that get their meal ticket from government aide yet have no job and have the ability to work and have not lost their job.Government aide everyone should have the chance at luxary and in a captilist society for the most part one cannot climb the social ladder because they got familes to support.Though I do hold some draconin legal and social views about who shouldn't be getting aide to them bringing the situation on themselves.I also support youth rights.