DandelionFireworks wrote:
How many major players?
There's Autism Speaks (they're in it for money), people like my mother (they want to alleviate suffering and protect children, but are mistaken in ideology), people like us, the NT society and its institutions... I honestly don't know. It's complicated, and the pieces all blur together and interact with each other in complex ways. It's not a puzzle so much as a jumble of pick-up sticks. (Autism Speaks can't have more than one emblem, can it? Can we keep our pick-up sticks?) Very, very, very hard to pull one out without disturbing the whole pile.
I count at least four.
Thank you. What is your source for saying Autism Speaks is in it for the money? It sounds about right, but point me to some cold hard facts to back it up, please.
I am now reading Ethics and Autism, by the way. I had absolutely no idea any of this stuff was going on and it is a huge eye-opener. Now, I've felt like a freak my whole life but it never even occurred to me to doubt my person-hood. The fact that there are actually people with advanced degrees who peddle this kind of nonsense really draws my attention to the sad state of affairs that is academia.
Autism raises some fascinating questions about the nature of consciousness. What kind of small-minded jackasses raise questions about whether or not we're fully human or even "persons" at all? And this "moral community" they want to exclude us from, is that the one that reads about celebrity gossip, that places a greater emphasis on comformity than it does creativity?
I don't know what it is that is missing or broken in me. But whatever it is, the people who have it don't exactly strike me as the most moral of groups as a whole.