Kathy Lee Gifford clip
It was more indirect as far the potential I suggest now. However people being friends with people with autism is I think very important. It does not mean they will be put on the news. I think the show had the role of setting a great example of being more inter-personally more inclusive toward individuals with autism and being friends. However at the same time I think there is a need to focus on that in a more real type of setting to set more examples of how role models and peer type of friends can be enhanced in general all over.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
1. They may have had a nervous laugh noticing his statement. Remarking on how they should jazz it up next time so as to make it happy and more exciting like their moods were.
I dunno if I would call that a nervous laugh. Nervous laughs tend to be very soft and short. This was just a loud massive sudden burst of laughing (which usually indicates that what was said was hilarious). Whatever the reason they thought the statement was funny but many with asperger's wouldn't know that. I face that kind of crap all the time. I'll say something honest or standard and everyone suddenly bursts into laughter and I'm sitting here thinking "what the hell was funny about what I said?" Again, the kid was already crying over the song. That has to be the worst possible time and place to laugh at what he said regardless of the reason.
1. They may have had a nervous laugh noticing his statement. Remarking on how they should jazz it up next time so as to make it happy and more exciting like their moods were.
I dunno if I would call that a nervous laugh. Nervous laughs tend to be very soft and short. This was just a loud massive sudden burst of laughing (which usually indicates that what was said was hilarious). Whatever the reason they thought the statement was funny but many with asperger's wouldn't know that. I face that kind of crap all the time. I'll say something honest or standard and everyone suddenly bursts into laughter and I'm sitting here thinking "what the hell was funny about what I said?" Again, the kid was already crying over the song. That has to be the worst possible time and place to laugh at what he said regardless of the reason.
I have that happen to me as well. In these circumstances where it is national television (I think it is) behaviors will not be natural everyday emotions as they know they are being watched. Then another theory is as he was sad to then laugh could be then the attempt to have him feel better by inciting a new eased up emotional \ social environment. It is my opinion people with autism should be invited to cry on television just like so called normal people. Combined with the song I think although it was an uncomfortable situation it could help change lives. I think social isolation is more important to combat then a televised emotional opps in a complex situation in which people without autism do not necessarily know exactly how to activity relate to statements and situation where people with autism are present just as anyone else would not of individuals not entirely like themselves and part of their immediate social circles. I've found that unique social behavior can exist within conditioned groups and then that same behavior can manifest outside of the group toward non-members and with the expectancy others would behave similarly to their reflective conditioned groups preconceived behavioral expectations in reply.
It is important that we make the most out of the media that is allowed for autism to get the most done I think. Emotion helps people relate. Even if it doesn't make everyone perfectly comfortable all the time. Good for the young man to have gone on T.V and to allow himself to show those emotions and say the song was very sad. I don't believe he was being bullied but a whole lot of compassion overfilled that social situation.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
1. They may have had a nervous laugh noticing his statement. Remarking on how they should jazz it up next time so as to make it happy and more exciting like their moods were.
I dunno if I would call that a nervous laugh. Nervous laughs tend to be very soft and short. This was just a loud massive sudden burst of laughing (which usually indicates that what was said was hilarious). Whatever the reason they thought the statement was funny but many with asperger's wouldn't know that. I face that kind of crap all the time. I'll say something honest or standard and everyone suddenly bursts into laughter and I'm sitting here thinking "what the hell was funny about what I said?" Again, the kid was already crying over the song. That has to be the worst possible time and place to laugh at what he said regardless of the reason.
I have that happen to me as well. In these circumstances where it is national television (I think it is) behaviors will not be natural everyday emotions as they know they are being watched. Then another theory is as he was sad to then laugh could be then the attempt to have him feel better by inciting a new eased up emotional \ social environment.
Ci, they were mocking him. There's no point hiding it they thought what he said and how he said it was absurd and they were mocking up. Now could you quit trying to justify their asinine crap?
If you can provide facts that their intentions were to mock thus bully the individual then I will change my opinion. Until then making a mountain out of a mole hill as the saying goes is just the typical baloney that stretches the truth so thin few actually take it seriously. I find your claims with no potential alternative interpretation other then what is covenant to the emotions of making others feel myself and relevant individuals are really bullied by mainstream media and of which are people who have their jobs on the line while some resort to fact-less accusations just to get attention at the expense of others careers when they seem to mean well. To have me believe just because you and a few others say so or else I am one of them, I like bullies, am an N.T sympathizer or just want pity your going to have to do allot more then silly peer pressure to conform my thinking style. The such is to me the first to decline in reasonable rationality.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
Well we didn't actually say that. In fact I don't know why you just said that guy who told you to look at 5:07 accused you of looking at bullies. Also NT sympathizer? What does that mean? Still trying to use the pathetic pride-mites tag ci? I can't believe you would be so immoral as to try and warp a discussion about the suffering of a poor child in to part of your personal feuding against people you don't like. I couldn't be bothered to record the rest of what you said. It was all the same banal prelude that happened last time before you said I did to you what hitler did to the jews.
Mr. G.
It comes down to what might come next and also what some think and not exactly what will actually be said. What is immoral is twisting up good intention for a political purpose when people care. That's been the game of some for some time. If you have evidence that the little man was mocked thus bullied in a way then provide it. Until then I just see an awkward situation in otherwise extremely well intended circumstances. My feeling is people focus far to much on projecting into others to create travesty that doesn't exist then actual solutions that improve lives. Instead of improving lives and outcomes what I see is creating bitter sites by creating mountains out of mole hills to make myself and others believe we are mocked, bullied, put down and harm is intended toward us when it is not so that I buy into some absurd aspie point of view to keep the anger going. It's all of the same things. You and others want my loyalty by my accepting false facts and imagining into things and unless I agree with you and others I'm just as bad as "them" as in the N.T foe. When these people that focus on making travesty around every corner actually have solutions and creative insight as to how to reasonably manifest promising change in the lives of people with disabilities other then making ordeals out of nonsense that's when I'll want to fit in with the clique more.
Until then it's wasting my and others time with well nonsense. I reject mountain out of mole hill creators. It's drama baloney and folks need to find better things to do. As you are not diagnosed I see your admittance to be accepted into the aspie clique by learning to take everything personally for the prerogative is going well. You should be ordained aspie sooner then later.
Folks need real life solutions and not problem seekers and creators.
As far as Hitler and Jewish folk that was a joke based on aspie political crapola.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
This did remind me of two years in school where I sat alone and the only person to come to me was a kid that was as wierd as me (He kept a can of beans in his locker and left it there after he switched schools). I finally decided to go to one table that was dominated by a school bully who immediatly took offense of my presense and started abusing me infront of two of the cuter girls in the grade. A few months later, they took me on a shopping trip to the mall and updating my wardrobe with American Eagle clothes and made me fit in a little better. I appreciate it more now than when it happened.
I made the desicion personally to go to other tables and try to talk. Usually, I'd just be zoning out and not talking. Now, I can open up a little conversation but keeping up the momentum is impossible. Its an ongoing process.
That was self help (with a little guidance from a child psychologist). Now, why the hell would this little story of mine deserve to be on national television? This was a case of a random kid going to the loner to talk to him, something that probably isn't unique in school.
I probablly wouldn't stand being in that interview past the first eight minutes. They had good intentions, but that was just awkward and that songs perfects that awkward moment with "You are alone! Alone! So terribly alone!". You can probably make short parody of the song.
She didn't care about his feelings. If she did then she wouldn't have laughed at him. Also I find this to be hypocritical coming from the person who said that I did to you what Hitler did to the Jews. No amount of stating that over and over will ever dim the sin of trying to make that equalization until you apologize for it. Until then it is a rock attached a chain hanging from your neck that will ever remind you of your own attempt to twist what I said in to something else for a political purpose by yourself.
5:07 then play the video. We have said it a few times. I know you watched it and knew it could come across as offensive. That's why you then tried to weakly rationalize it.
Well intentioned idiots still make misery. Nothing about intention softens the blow of that attack on that child's psyche.
Not acknowledging something for what it is does not allow people the ability to actually find solutions. Your attempt to try and allow your warped version of events take over will only lead to misjdugement and failure. It will be a hypocrisy at the root of your thinking.
Rubbish. You are the one saying that I am trashing you for calling you an NT sympathizer. That only brings up much darker consequences, like somehow thinking that Standard Humans are somehow a monolithic block all to be treated the same. And that is something I beat out of Aspie48 and intend on beating out of androbot.
During those statements of hate they made all you did was make pitiful side-remarks, bare mentions even. You are guilty of stereotyping all NTs in to a class of non-blame just as those two are guilty of pushing blame on all of them. That woman in that video was insensitive. THAT PARTICULAR WOMAN. Now quit trying to lie to yourself and accept that some actually do mock, bully, put us down and harm us as intended and indeed harm us as not intended as in the case of that woman.
And you make some irrelevant comment about my undiagnosed status and threaten me covertly at the same time. As I already said you are the only one who is making anything big out of anything small because all you ever do is make long, distended arguments about how I am always wrong and evil and anti-NT whilst accusing me at the same time of being an NT in disguise. You accuse me of imitation at the same time! Learning to take everything personally? I was feeling for that poor kid you as*hole! You again try to draw this back to your petty attempts at feuding. You are poison.
I see trying to fit into the whole aspie and N.T made up conundrum to score social points within a political faction in it's political ideological framework.
Mr. G. Based on factless reality you like some others want to make big huffs over small matters when people otherwise care. Thats what I consider troublemakers. The kind of folk that make for bitterness. Myself and others decline such notions and instead try to find more positive ways of relating to others. It's yours and others choices to invent into, create hard feelings and incite arguments where there need none. That's why aspie politics have failed, will continue to fail and why many others don't want anything to do with it simply because if they had their way everyone would fear what the loudest aspies want to twist up and manipulate what others do and say for some social agenda while hurting others.
As far as your not being diagnosed indeed that is a fact. I am not sure why saying it other then your wanting an identity with autism it matters so much stating the obvious. I think the likes of you cause more problems trying to fit in with real people with autism then people with autism themselves whom often do not create hard feelings and problems.
I stand by the idea that tolerance is a two way street. If some people who claim to have a mild form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome want to be the bitterness let them be to themselves. There is a whole world out their beyond the reality of social peer games against the majority of the rest of the world. When real discrimination exists it's folks like yourself that make it harder to confront by calling wolf around every corner about every little issue in how it can be manipulated to make it into drama that dis-promotes true justice being realized.
Move on.. Your not even diagnosed.. The kid is fine and is well loved.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
I made the desicion personally to go to other tables and try to talk. Usually, I'd just be zoning out and not talking. Now, I can open up a little conversation but keeping up the momentum is impossible. Its an ongoing process.
That was self help (with a little guidance from a child psychologist). Now, why the hell would this little story of mine deserve to be on national television? This was a case of a random kid going to the loner to talk to him, something that probably isn't unique in school.
I probablly wouldn't stand being in that interview past the first eight minutes. They had good intentions, but that was just awkward and that songs perfects that awkward moment with "You are alone! Alone! So terribly alone!". You can probably make short parody of the song.
The media awareness was a great example instilling the importance of peer based friendships. Enacting such friendships I believe can be world changing for some or more with autism who are more isolated from peer relationships. Granted the type of news segment was very emotionally charged but awareness that is akin to it could really develop some school based programs to create new social contacts for youths with autism.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
You failed to actually listen to me at all. I said you should group people together and now you are because you can't actually treat different NTs differently. This particular woman was heartless. Now quit trying to drag your 'politics' in to it.
No I am sorry ci but you are the one imposing yourself constantly and loudly with twisted beliefs on others. You say that we shouldn't take a situation for what it is. You are attempting to ignore the pain that child received from what was simply a hurtful lack f understanding on her part. You are ignoring the pain of one of your own kind so you can help some 'politics' of yours.
Hah! Now you first say that you are simply stating a basic reality but then try and sneak in afterwards an idea that suggests that I can't be autistic because I make too many problems. I said the woman was heartless ci. You're an idiot if you think that is part of an agenda of hate. I did not create hard feelings or problems, she did for being so wilfully ignorant. You're just trying to paste over it because you don't want to create hard problems with 'the NTs', but it is only that woman and the people who laughed with her that I am annoyed with. You are twisting what I said to fit your feud.
Move on.. Your not even diagnosed.. The kid is fine and is well loved.
You then dare to make some closure for your bitter smarm against me with another affirmation that says lack of diagnosis equals 'not autistic'. You're shameful. You turn every single fight in to a personal affair and then of course I have to relate upon your miserable personal failures because they instantly become relevant. I don't know why you tries to shoehorn in some thing about peers. You're again trying to divert away from the real point there. As for bitterness the only bitterness comes from you in your shameless and cowardly attacks on me.
The trait of a pathological manipulation seems to happen in just about every one of your replies. To you there is no room to consider anything other then individuals who are professional career persons with careers on the line meant ill intention toward the young man. This is your world-views agenda and your refusal to induce anything else as reasonably plausible. For this reason and your dire need to make something out of nothings your line of rationality is seemingly filled full of falsehoods. I'm sorry I just do not know how to go through the post and get it to do all the quotes in reply. All I can say is I read it and since you are not diagnosed simply lack credibility and otherwise your inability or unwillingness to consider alternative understandings of the video to stuburn to be reasonably intellectual.
The constant name calling like a**hole and idiot just show a lack of social maturity. It's also against the rules.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
Last edited by ci on 04 Sep 2011, 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Prose as purple as Nero's Toga...
Anyways the first line is just another of your awesomely bile-filled claims without proof. Again you delete any trace of what I said because you can't actually point it out.
I have no access to your account to delete anything. Also you make very wild claims yourself and refuse to rationalize and consider alternative views. The kind of mentality you approach these issues with is havoc to the legitimization of any claim of true discrimination. I simply just don't believe you can argue in ways that create factual appeal to your views but instead lesson it with absurd indications others are idiots, a**holes and you are right simply because you think you are right and with no fact. I have offered alternative views and the refusal to consider them seems evident. There is no point in arguing with someone like you who doesn't want to find the absolute truth.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice. http://www.autismselfadvocacynetwork.com
Oh yes I say that a woman was insensitive. Truly very wild claims. This coming from the guy who said I did to him what I did to the Jews. By the way, I am still waiting for that apology.
Your attempt to paste over the fact that she was insensitive is insulting to that child.
Well this again coming from the guy who called me trash, a 'pride-mite', not actually autistic and comparable to someone involved in the holocaust.
There's a good reason why I don't accept that alternate view: It is because I think it's wrong. Stop thinking that just because I don't agree with YOU that somehow I can't be objective because whatever you say you believe is the only correct option. You have further dragged this away from the topic at hand, that woman's baleful laugh, and towards as I have said, your petty attempt at feuding and of course centred this all around your ego.