ScratchMonkey wrote:
Bachmann can be smart on some things. But like so many politicians (across the spectrum), she assumes that if she's competent in one area, she must be competent in all areas, and wants to micromanage every aspect of your life for you.
There's one candidate in this election who openly admits and accepts his limitations, and wants YOU to run your life. (Dare I speak his name?) Most pundits claim that such an admission is crazy talk and that such a politician should be institutionalized.
you mean the guy whose campaign manager Kent Snyder, died of pneumonia in 2008 because he assumed the freedom of not having any health insurance? I will give it to the Nameless One (no,
NOT Voldemort) he did follow up with donations from family and friends leaving only $365,000.00 in hospital bills for his family instead of $400,000.00 it
could have been.
they aren't kidding when they say "freedom isn't free"!
However, he is dead right about why we were attacked on 9/11. But like so many politicians (across the spectrum), he assumes that if he's competent in one area, he must be competent in all areas . . .
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon