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18 Dec 2011, 12:02 am

I would have replied sooner than this but sickness in the family, craziness at the print shop and holiday running around had priority.

I might have inadvertently started this "Godwin's Law" bent this discussion took by posting the quote from Pastor Neimoller. However, it seems the genie's now out of the bottle.

However, one must remember that the Nazis hearded people with mental conditions into the concentration camps and did horrific "experiments" on them as well as the Jews.

Also, they blamed a man with a mental condition named Martinus van der Lubbe for starting the Reichstag Fire that led to the enactment of the Enabling Act, which consolidated the power of Hitler and the Nazis.

Sadly, there are parallels between them and the Tea Party/ED crowd. Much like the Nazis used stereotypes to justify their mistreatment of the Jews, you can bet the Tea Party/ED crowd is saying to themselves "I bet all people with mental conditions act like Chris-Chan. They don't belong in polite society. They should all be locked away in mental institutions." If they had it their way, nearly half a century of progress for people like us would be rolled back in the name of "saving taxpayers' money". :evil:

Also, you have to remember there are medical quacks out there trying to peddle "cures" for various mental conditions and creating genetic tests to weed out fetuses with such conditions (one test they have for Down's Syndrome had led to the abortion of 92% of the fetuses so diagnosed with it). Doesn't that sound like what they were doing at Auschwitz and places like it?

This is why I feel the neurodiversity movement needs to take a more militant political stance in advancing its agenda. I feel that the Americans with Disabilities Act should be strengthened by adding a "Bill of Rights" protecting people with mental conditions. I know over at Aspies for Freedom someone drafted a "Declaration of Autistic Rights" while I found this rather excellent "Charter of Rights for People with ADHD" at a British ADHD Web site. These can be used as models to enshrine our rights into the ADA.

(Apparently I haven't posed enough to allow the links to those documents to be posted. If anyone's interested PM me and I'll provide the links.)

The neurodiversity movement keeps saying "Nothing about us without us". This is an excellent opportunity to take the initiative in regard to this matter.

BTW, to answer shrox's question, I would still defend Chris-Chan as a brother sufferer of a mental condition and shoot the Nazi/alien killer clowns dead. Sometimes, unfortunately, violence may be the only recourse. Hopefully it won't come to that end with us, but one never knows. :evil:


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18 Dec 2011, 11:08 am

Are we really in the position to take a militant stance? Why do you want to a form brotherhood with Chris Chan based on sharing a similar condition? Chris Chan is no gentleman in any sense of the word.


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20 Dec 2011, 5:31 pm

DocForbin wrote:
...BTW, to answer shrox's question, I would still defend Chris-Chan as a brother sufferer of a mental condition and shoot the Nazi/alien killer clowns dead. Sometimes, unfortunately, violence may be the only recourse. Hopefully it won't come to that end with us, but one never knows. :evil:

It was hypothetical, and assumed there was no gun. But a good answer.

For the record, I am not for bullying. I have intervened several times in situations I have witnessed in public, with kids and adults. I guess my leather jacket makes me scary...


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22 Dec 2011, 4:00 pm

I said most of what I have to say about the situtation here, and I'll say it again. If his remaining parent cares about him, and knows what is going on then they would have the common sense to remove his access to his online audience by pulling the plug on his internet connection.

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23 Dec 2011, 9:13 pm

NathanealWest wrote:
Are we really in the position to take a militant stance? Why do you want to a form brotherhood with Chris Chan based on sharing a similar condition? Chris Chan is no gentleman in any sense of the word.

Regardless of how one feels about Chris-Chan, we must take a more militiant stance. By that I don't necessarily mean "go gun down quack doctors trying to peddle 'cures' for mental conditions" or "Go blow up a lab that's trying to find a 'cure' for autism or ADHD". I don't mean that kind of Black Panthers/FALN militance.

What I mean is that we have to protest on the streets and write to our Congressman/Senators/state legislators/local officials telling them that any cuts to benefits/services that help people like us during these tough economic times are unconscionable. It always seems that when times are tough, they cut the services for those who are getting slammed the worst like the poor and disabled.

And don't even think for a minute that some Tea Party whackjob or someone who's an ED troll doesn't have it in the back of his/her head the thought that "See, Chris-Chan pisses taxpayer money on sex toys and video games! I bet ALL people who have autism do that!" Sadly, there are going to be some people who are going to paint us all with the same broad brush and push through punitive "reforms" that are simply more or less the equivalent of someone screaming "Get a job, you bum!" when you know you can't because of a tough economy and bigoted employers who think people like us can't hack it in a "real" job environment. :evil:

It's happened in the past. Ronald Reagan used the "welfare queen" story and "the homeless are an anecdote" incident to push welfare reforms that punished the vast majority of innocent poor people for the sins of a few. The same thing happened again with Newt Gingrich's "Mafioso Contract on the Poor" (which is what I call his "Contract with America") and Dubya's highly unconstitutional "faith-based initiatives".

Frankly we need a firebrand like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton on our side--someone who will get the media's attention and make people know that we're not all like Chris-Chan or like that autistic kid in that episode of The White Shadow who was running around in a peanut mascot costume in panic and driving Coach Reeves nuts.

It's either that or when the brown stuff hits the fan if the GOP wins the White House and Congress next year, we could be looking at something akin to Krystallnacht--and perhaps a renewed push to have most (if not all) of us put back in mental institutions whether we like it or not. :(


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24 Dec 2011, 6:28 pm

I just don't really think that Chris Chan can be turned into a hot political issue. He's an internet celebrity and nothing more. "Welfare queens" and the like were touching on a deep level with the subject of race in American history. There is no previous narrative for someone like Chris Chan to be turned into a symbol that can move people to change the system.


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09 Jan 2012, 4:59 am

Sorry, but outside of the political angle I think Forbin has a point. All this ridicule and hate of an essentially innocent human being pretty much does amount to Nazism, and aspies joining in on it is the ultimate hypocrisy. Also Godwin's Law exists to allow internet nazis to continue being nazis without being called out for it. Stop using it.

People may try and justify the hate because of a few negative things about him, but where are the gigantic internet hate communities for the millions of racist, homophobe NTs out there? I haven't seen em, but I see plenty of hate pages out there for seemingly every other innocent autistic person who has been heavily active on the internet. And considering that CWC's biggest detractors are the same people who continue to support racism and homophobia on the internet ("in the name of the lulz"), I think it's pretty clear what the real target is.


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11 Jan 2012, 1:49 am

Yeah the real target is to have the lulz at anybodies expense. There is no protected class for trolls.


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12 Jan 2012, 11:48 am

I never heard about Chris Chan until I stumbled on his website and checked out his story. It is quite distrubing that he had drawings that are explicitly nude and sexual. As for the videos and trolls trolling him, I started to feel bad for Chris and how some websites ridicule him like Encyclopedia Dramatica for who he is. I'm sure that I one of the few people who would be giving him a hand to help him out with whatever problem he has.


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12 Jan 2012, 12:49 pm

Yeah if anything about Chris could have been helped and guided to a more constructive path it's probably been totally destroyed by the worldwide trolling.

Emu Egg
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14 Jan 2012, 1:00 pm

kludd223 wrote:
Sorry, but outside of the political angle I think Forbin has a point. All this ridicule and hate of an essentially innocent human being pretty much does amount to Nazism, and aspies joining in on it is the ultimate hypocrisy. Also Godwin's Law exists to allow internet nazis to continue being nazis without being called out for it. Stop using it.

People may try and justify the hate because of a few negative things about him, but where are the gigantic internet hate communities for the millions of racist, homophobe NTs out there? I haven't seen em, but I see plenty of hate pages out there for seemingly every other innocent autistic person who has been heavily active on the internet. And considering that CWC's biggest detractors are the same people who continue to support racism and homophobia on the internet ("in the name of the lulz"), I think it's pretty clear what the real target is.

Kludd223 hit the nail on the head right there. If those at ED and CWCki can target Chris-Chan, then everyone who suffers from autism, ADHD and other mental conditions become target--even if they haven't done the kinds of things Chris-Chan did or continues to do.

Also, it's pretty hard to divorce the political angle from this situation because it's an election year, and even President Obama admits given the present economic situation everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) will be on the table. Just yesterday he was talking about consolidating Federal agencies. Most (if not all) the GOP candidates are talking about massive budget cuts if they are elected (and then there's Ron Paul, who would gut everything if he had his chance).

I wouldn't be surprised if Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Bachman, Paul, Perry and the rest--if the question was posed to them about what to do about services for the disabled--would say something along the lines of this:

"There are too many people abusing the system and using the money for purposes it was not meant to be used for! Just take a look at that Chris-Chan guy! He spends his Social Security Disablity money on sex toys and video games! This has got to stop, and I'll slash the budget accordingly and make it tougher for people to get this money in the first place!"

This is why we as a community need to stand up and protest--take to the streets, join the Occupy crowd, whatever it takes--and tell the candiates "Don't scapegoat us for the nation's economic problems! Don't punish us for the sins of a few!"

And there are a few people out there who hate people like us so much they'd love to bring back the days where we were locked up in mental institutions and simply forgotten.

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16 Jan 2012, 6:56 am

Seriously, if someone tried to use Chris Chan as an argument then all of his weirdness and deviance would probably creep the NORP crowd out so much that it would just blow up on the politician.


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16 Jan 2012, 8:00 pm

People say Chris Chan brought all this bullying to himself and give a bunch of excuses on why it is okay such as "the man is batshit insane". Classic blaming the victim; and does that mean it would be okay to bully a person with skitsophrenia or phycosis? No. I suspect CWC was misdiagnosed and really isn't so "high" functning. Also, as many people have said he was very sheltered by his mother. It's not just CWC people think it's okay to bully. There is also a kid by the name of Shadvic the Hedgehog/Joshua8428, who basicaly gets the same treatment and is often refered to as "Chris Chan Junior" or the next Chris Chan. A man by the username of Sailormoonred1 also gets this kind of treatment. It's obvious Sailormoonred1 has some serious mental issues, but aparently it's perfectaly alright to bully people who have actual conditions.

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17 Jan 2012, 3:21 pm

Chris Chan has brought it upon himself. He is not a good person Autism or not. He is a racist, sexist, homophobic, self centered piece of s**t. He doesn't want to improve himself in anyway he sees nothing wrong with him or what he does. He's not given the hate because he's autistic, he's given the hate because of how awful of a person he is. For those wanting to white knight (help) Chris, don't bother. He doesn't listen to advice when people try to help him. A lot of his trolls and bullies have Aspergers themselves too. He wishes the age of consent was lower so he could bang a 16 year old. He targeted a 17 year old girl on Facebook during his Love Quest. Chris Chan and his antics have given me hours of entertainment too. Seeing just how upset he gets, seeing what bizarre lengths he goes to impress the girl he is currently trying to date. He has made drawn porn, humped a blow up doll, dressed up in bizarre and horrible costumes, and countless other things all trying to impress a girl. He has also made countless death threats towards his trolls, and has challenged them to come to his house so he can kill them. Chris getting arrested as the best thing that could of happen to him because maybe now he'll finally get the help he desperately needs. But honestly I think he's a lost cause and will never improve because he doesn't see the need to improve, and he hates self improvement. Unless it's convenient for him he won't do it.

He is convinced that his Sonichu comics will make him rich and famous. When in reality it's horribly written and doesn't focus on Sonichu, it focus's on himself. Making him sound like a hero for all his screw ups, and the world is this evil place. He is convinced that the Greene County school board, the GamePlace, and ED are all in a conspiracy to get him, and that they've been doing this for years. He places none of the blame for what happens to him on himself, the whole world is out to get him. He also thinks people with Aspergers are imposters who are out there to insult "True and Honest" autistics to take the spotlight away from them.

Chris Chan is a piece of s**t who has deserved what he has brought on to himself.


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19 Jan 2012, 10:57 am

Embroglio wrote:
Chris Chan has brought it upon himself. He is not a good person Autism or not. He is a racist, sexist, homophobic, self centered piece of sh**. He doesn't want to improve himself in anyway he sees nothing wrong with him or what he does. He's not given the hate because he's autistic, he's given the hate because of how awful of a person he is. For those wanting to white knight (help) Chris, don't bother. He doesn't listen to advice when people try to help him. A lot of his trolls and bullies have Aspergers themselves too. He wishes the age of consent was lower so he could bang a 16 year old. He targeted a 17 year old girl on Facebook during his Love Quest. Chris Chan and his antics have given me hours of entertainment too. Seeing just how upset he gets, seeing what bizarre lengths he goes to impress the girl he is currently trying to date. He has made drawn porn, humped a blow up doll, dressed up in bizarre and horrible costumes, and countless other things all trying to impress a girl. He has also made countless death threats towards his trolls, and has challenged them to come to his house so he can kill them. Chris getting arrested as the best thing that could of happen to him because maybe now he'll finally get the help he desperately needs. But honestly I think he's a lost cause and will never improve because he doesn't see the need to improve, and he hates self improvement. Unless it's convenient for him he won't do it.

He is convinced that his Sonichu comics will make him rich and famous. When in reality it's horribly written and doesn't focus on Sonichu, it focus's on himself. Making him sound like a hero for all his screw ups, and the world is this evil place. He is convinced that the Greene County school board, the GamePlace, and ED are all in a conspiracy to get him, and that they've been doing this for years. He places none of the blame for what happens to him on himself, the whole world is out to get him. He also thinks people with Aspergers are imposters who are out there to insult "True and Honest" autistics to take the spotlight away from them.

Chris Chan is a piece of sh** who has deserved what he has brought on to himself.

I´m not absolutely sure you are right, but basically I´ve come to the same conclusions as you.
The reason people started to bully Chris Chan was because he was a jerk, not because he´s autistic. However, his autism was used as ammunition against him, and as he gathered "fame" lots of others started bullying him because he was a guy you´re supposed to harass/make fun of.
I don´t approve of the bullying, but I neither approve of the "antics" of Chris Chan. The only difference between them is the bullies are many, Chris is just one guy. Just because he´s an underdog doesn´t make him less of a jerk.
I feel sorry for him though, must be tough to face all that hatred.

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19 Jan 2012, 9:27 pm

It's sad that a person will use autism as a tool for narcissism :(

I posted a discussion on aspergers syndrome being a step in evolution from TED and I feel bad because I'm only trying to instill confidence into our group =/