BuyerBeware wrote:
Are you really surprised?? Really??
This is how it is. Deal with it.
So because it's the status quo we should just let it happen? Absolute nonsense. If people had that mentality throughout history, society would still be subject to slavery, america wouldn't be free (or settled for that matter), and the Nazi's would've won the war. Just to name a few examples of the logic of "this is how it is, deal with it".
I think people need to raise hell about this, a seven year old kid,
seven being punished for a reaction to a teacher who couldn't follow instructions that were layed out by the schools policy regarding the kid's behavioral plan, and punished in the most severe fashion for that matter, if convicted, this kid would have a criminal record (at least until 18 because I think they can be cleared for minors, not sure), and at the very least, when the kid is 16 trying to find a job at some point, who would hire him?
I think the system needs to be reminded of a few things, and people need to be the ones to remind it of them.
If it were your kid, buyerbeware, what would you do? I know what I'd do, I'd be fighting the system on this with as much ferocity as my lawyers could muster.
Writer. Author.