recognition of the Autistic rights movement
I don't think many people care or notice the issue of autism or autistic people until someone in their family has a difficult to manage case of it is diagnosed, or they see a horror story on the news of some autistic person who snaps and hurts people (and they forget that there are also neurotypicals who snap and hurt people) and get panicked thinking that autistic people are more prone to being evil than the rest of the population.
Autistic Rights Movement: Promotes the understanding that autistic people are not "damaged" and do not need fixing.
I share this belief. My poor lil nephew is rather autistic and his parents (my sister) bend heaven and earth to "cure" him including feeding his young self a high-protein low-carb diet meant to curb any buildup of yeast growth in his stomach that may cause his autism. Poor critter is suffering from a lack of Autistic Rights.
There are many draconian methods meant to cure autism. Autism is not cureable, nor should it be. Autistic people do not share the mass hypnosis that is emotional manipulation, and they excel at whatever they focus upon. Autism is not a disease. Autistic people are different kinds of humans, not broken humans, hence we need to promote Autistic Rights--the right to be autistic, the right to not be forced to suffer through cures.
Love the idea. Was hoping that actual progress was being made. This thread seems to indicate the movement is a non-movement.
If all those High Emotional IQ people are so emotionally healthy, why aren't they the ones who can learn to cope with emotionally unaware people? Why should people who are emotionally unaware have to bend themselves in knots trying to appease emotionally healthy people?
Hope this is helpful and evokes intelligent discourse.
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Few movements get recognition in an official way. For that you first need to form a legal entity of some sort, which can then ask for a recognised status and budgets from local governments and media. A movement is usually a de jure inexisting group. A lot of autism organisations are recognised and receive money from their local governments, but the media indeed not that often pays attention to what they do. However, not paying attention is not the same as acting as if it doesn't exist or be against it.
Nobody will be against autism rights, but even though they're not against it, media just seem to not cover properly the events that take place under the autism rights banner. For example Autism Pride Day receives little or no coverage here in Belgium and neighbouring countries.
But the lack of attention doesn't mean anyone is denying us our rights or that we have to officially ask to enshrine our rights in a law. The organisations and people involved just need to grasp the attention from the media so that people become aware that they exist.
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)
Ok, this is gonna be a bit of a rant as it's something that bugs me a lot....
I’m assuming that Dizzle J Wizzle is reffering to the ‘curebie’ movement when he/she claimed they’re backed by ‘big pharma’ – which of course is the case…and in my opinion why the autism rights movement is played down by the mainstream media.
Sorry if I’ve got that wrong Dizzle J Wizzle. Perhaps you could clarify.
If you look back to the issues being dealt with by the disability rights movement in the 1970s their ideas didn’t really enter the mainstream discourse for over a decade…and even now social concepts of disability still don’t figure on many peoples’ radars. It may be recognised by most people that it’s not OK to call someone with a physical disability ‘handicapped’ but many of them still don’t understand why. Regardless of this though, the persistence of the movement has resulted in many practical and social issues improving (although not enough) for physically disabled people compared with a few decades ago, as disabled access and in-work inclusion policies etc have become the norm and things like mainstream coverage of the Paralympics etc, have helped to keep disability rights issues in people’s minds.
I once read an article comparing the autism rights movement with the deaf movement in its early years. Without trying to draw false comparisons, the author made some salient points about them both involving social and communication issues, but then highlighted the fact that ‘deafness’ is a concept that most people can relate to. Even though without experiencing it we can't fully appreciate how it might feel, we can all imagine how difficult it must be to be deaf in a predominantly hearing world – it’s not a particularly difficult concept to get your head around. There are also some obvious, and usually welcome steps that can be taken to assist with varying degrees of deafness including hearing aids, learning and encouraging sign language as a form of communication, and encouraging the hearing majority to behave in a more enabling/accommodating way – which of course they’re happy to do for the most part, as they can empathise with the concept of deafness.
Deafness, although an invisible disability is also in my opinion often less invisible at the subconscious level than high functioning autism/Aspergers as, once identified in an individual, all non-typical communication signals they send out are then understood by the receiver as being purely down to the deaf person’s lack of hearing. With ASD, our non-typical communication signals continue to be misconstrued or misinterpreted even after we’ve told someone we have ASD, because they just can’t get their head around the concept of what ASD is. It’s almost impossible for them to empathise with; they can’t just put their hands over their ears to block out the noise and go, “Oh, so that’s ASD then”, like they can with deafness. So they do what most people do when they can’t understand something or it’s too difficult…..they apply simplistic rules that they can understand….such as “She’s plainly just being difficult” or “a weirdo”, or "she's simply not trying hard enough"…etc etc… This is the problem with NTs in my experience….they have empathy (and bucketloads of wasted sympathy) for people they can identify with, but they have no empathy with anyone who doesn't conceptualise the world in a similar way to them (which begs the question, what's their 'disorder'?)!
I think it’s also worth mentioning (and I’ll probably be pilloried for this) that our autism presents itself very differently from that of people with severe autism with learning difficulties. I think the majority of NTs will find it far easier to empathise with the parents of (visibly) severely autistic children than they will with us apparently “stroppy/antisocial/quirky” types, who as I’ve already pointed out, they are absolutely incapable of identifying with.
Anyway, the author of the article (which was in an academic journal and not the mainstream press) believed that the autism rights movement, although embryonic had the potential to take off in the same way as the deaf rights movement in the coming years, and that this would be facilitated by use of the internet as a communication tool that many people on the spectrum feel more comfortable using to support each other and share their ideas. She believed that it could not have taken off before the advent of internet because of the amount of physical social interaction that would have needed to have taken place.
Much as I’d like to think that her optimism was well founded , I think there is another key difference between the autism rights movement and many other social disability movements – which takes me back to the point made at the beginning. Whilst’ the pharmaceutical industry still have a financial interest in the medicalization of autism for the purposes of ‘discovering a cure’, any movement that challenges their medical standpoint, attempting to place autism firmly back in the social corner and garner acceptance by the mainstream will be blocked, as they have the lobbying power and the financial backing to make their voices heard by governments and in the mainstream media….and we don’t. Look at how the medical establishment tried to silence people with psychiatric problems for so many years….the recovery movement has only taken off in mainstream parlance since it also became the cheapest option for governments in welfare terms….and even then I’m sure ‘big pharma’ only permitted its promotion because pharmaceuticals are being incorporated into the mainstream recovery ethos.
It’s no coincidence that the article I described was in a sociology journal. I’ve read many similar articles in academic journals, discussing the world of online aspie communication and what can be learned from these interactions that might help improve public services etc for people with ASD/Aspergers. Most of these are written by well-meaning social work types who are genuinely interested in working with us in fighting our corner. Unfortunately, I’ve barely come across any positive articles in the mainstream press relating to ASD; the only purportedly positive stories are in relation to medical ‘breakthroughs’ or the occasional light-hearted non-article about how great aspies are supposed to be at computer programming. Other than that it’s all doom & gloom of the kind stabulator mentioned.
No coincidence!

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I think Autistic Rights is ambiguous. I don't so much accept the system of categories that are used for labelling. These have a very specific purpose, and aren't relevant beyond that. They also change, whereas the subjects they refer to do not. I have children through the AS, ADHD and NT spectrum, and I myself am Aspergers. While some features are specific to each, others are common. The primary difference is the way they process information. This is also speaking from my own observations of life experience in general. Again this is not black and white, but a range of scale. Some people perceive their world literally and others perceive it impressively. The social protocols are different through the range as well. The AS and ADHD have similar social functioning, even though the ADHD have less features with regard to affect and the “glass wall” that exists when AS are young. Where a disability/disadvantage exists it should be addressed, as it should be for anyone. But AS itself is not a disability, it is an identity. Because these primary differences exist across a range greater than the formally diagnosed AS spectrum, I tend to just refer to them as “Literals”.
Literals do not suffer from a lack of social skills exactly. They legitimately do not perceive the “monkey tree”, and never will. We can see the behaviour, but it just appears as bazaar. I can only speak from my own experience, but what I have observed is that Literals definitely have a social protocol. It is less sophisticated and not based on such a social hierarchy compared to Impressives, but still exists. Because Impressives' primary mode of function is inherently based on a system of dominance and submission, the greatest “sin” is defiance. As Literals' social protocol is inherently based on equality, the greatest “sin” is imposition. These two perspectives directly conflict, and are fundamental to the perception of each. Social creatures reject difference, and the degree of difference they will reject is directly related to the availability of resources. Even to the point of creating difference for the sole purpose of exclusion. These behaviours are not only demonstrated in humans, but many other species as well. It is merely an adaptation of the survival instinct. The higher up the monkey tree you are, the greater your access to resources and rights of protection. And lets face it, check the statistics, we are not so good at survival. Ordinary sociological functioning is to drive down anything that is vulnerable to promote one's self. That doesn't mean every human is an animalistic a***hole, but in the main that's what's going to happen. They do not only do it to us, they do it to everyone. We are just more obvious targets and have less natural resistance against it. They make the mistake of interpreting us as though we're one of them. We make the same mistake and interpret them as though they're one of us.
The 99% are not going to change for the 1%. The world never gets out of someone's way, only if they think they have enough force to barrel them over if they don't. The truth is we have to do it for ourselves. We will never be one of them, and who wants to be, but we can adapt. If we develop strategies that work in our language, as we understand everything, then we can learn their ways and better the prospects of our kind toward successful life. This is a multidimensional issue. Most we could overcome by understanding their many modes of function, through different life arenas, and adapting. The areas where this isn't possible is where legislative change is needed. Legislation can only enforce or prohibit certain actions. The person being imposed upon by law may not understand nor agree. But they don't have to.
If anyone is interested in establishing a network to advocate for the human rights of people with autism spectrum disorders, I am so totally there for it. I am a visual artist and sound producer, and an individual who has given much attention to the study of oppression, marginalisation, gender politics, race class politics etc etc. Feel free to contact me, i am willing to share my cultural skills!!
Funny thing that... They are scanning autistic brains with a procedure called "High Definition Fiber Tracking" They have shown a specific pathology to Autism... The nerve fibers are different in the Autistic brain than it is in NT brains... This does not, by itself disprove your statement... HOWEVER... Several people in south africa and new Guinea have gone through HDFT scans and shown the same pathology as other Autsits... These are people who are not under "big pharma" and have never had exposure to the same barrage of medications as 1st world Autists...
So... For it to be man made, it would have to be so wide spread as to be inherent in the air, water, food and soil... which I do not believe is possible... Further, I am willing to bet that when they get to phase 3 of HDFT project (where they are scanning brains preserved in formaldehyde in jars) they will find that the condition existed far in advance of Big Pharma...
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
big pharma includes the pesticide industry, the health care industry... and almost every fortune 2000 corporations willing to **** things up. gmo's, vaccines, nuclear radiation, chemical warfare. it goes on and on.
check out youtube for more facts on this **** to kill us...
i have a parent who works in this industry and this is ****ed up...
read the book: ecoscience: population, resources, environment!! !
depopulation plan exposed!! !
btw this is an alien plan to destroy our planet... we got a parasite race on the planet... a type 3 advanced civilization that crashed in 1947 in roswell ... er+roswell
order this book...
we got a faction of bad reptilians and greys on this planet... believe me there is good aliens but the bad ones have hijacked america and the world.
Ironically enough, I discuss the reasons for a rise in diagnoses on my blog...
Big pharma is a big motivator... but conspiracy theories are rarely accurate
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
now on to another topic... do you believe that our human race advanced so fast... with the help of the alien greys... search the greada treaty. signed by eisenhower in 1954 with the greys... the greys and the reptilians have hijacked this planet.... expose the world leaders for what they really are.... aliens.
this isn't a lie.... the greys and reptilians exist
this isn't a lie.... the greys and reptilians exist
Please do not threadjack
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
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