But they're absolutely missing the point here: It seems like they didn't want to make the effort to try to develop a loving relationship with God in those (I hate to say it, but children and lower-functioning adults) who can't comprehend such a thing that such a loving Creator willed them into existence in mercy. In this article,(
http://www.zenit.org/en/articles/autism ... ing-autism) Robert and Suzanne Wright talk about Christian, but it seems that they aren't concerned about his well-being, as he's a TEENAGER!! ! (let alone his relationship with God...)
Another thing that is intriguing to meis that Bob and Suzy were
truly Catholic, they would be promoting autism with a hope to erase the stigma, not trying to get rid of it, as it will create even MORE stigma! They even personify autism, stating "Autism doesn’t care if you’re Muslim, Protestant, or Catholic." Newsflash: Autism is a
NOT a demon! (If it was, everyone would need to have an exorcism!) Our kids aren't possessed by the devil, it's just a lack of understanding on the parent's part, as I know of at least one person who claims to be a so-called "expert" who has used her son's disability as an excuse to be entitled to special treatment, rather than convincing her son to NOT BE LAZY!! ! Laziness is a vice! WAKE UP EVERYBODY!! ! !