Be as offended as you want; it's pretty accurate.
I was lucky-- I'm female. I just got to get repeated accused of leading guys on (or cheating or playing the field) because I thought conversation was just conversation, a cigarette (or 30 over the course of a term) was just a cigarette, and going out to shoot pool was going out to shoot pool, wherein we would take turns paying for games, buy our own Cokes, and the only sticks and balls involved would be the ones knocking around the table.
Stupid girl.
My dad had a horrible time figuring out how to approach women as anything other than friends. He A
WANTED to, he just couldn't figure out HOW. Most of the time, all he could do was either pretend to have only a platonic interest (very frustrating) or flat-out tell them he wanted to date/have a sexual relationship/court with the intention of marriage (it was always about 'with the intention of marriage,' he could appreciate a nice body walking down the street, but not stomach the idea of casual sex or have sex without getting profoundly attached).
It's not about saying young male Aspies are all stalkers and rapists.
It's about saying the vast majority of us, male and female, have to be taught how to correctly engage in flirting/dating/courtship behavior.
And how to recognize it, at least in my case. I still can't. It doesn't matter any more, because I'm out of the dating pool FOREVER (if he divorces me tomorrow, I'm taking a vow of celibacy, because f**k that s**t or better yet, don't). Except when some dick doesn't notice, or acknowledge, the ring, and then suddenly I'm once again getting accused of something I didn't even think about doing.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"