What you're saying makes logical sense given a certain rigidity of beliefs, but in practice, at least for myself, I've always found the exact opposite to be true. I've always felt like sort of a freak, not fitting in, that I think deep down I'm intensely resentful of authoritarianism and attempts to control people. I want to be allowed to do my own thing, and I believe strongly that others should be allowed to do their own thing. With political ideologies I've oscillated from one end of the spectrum to the other on economics, at various times thinking of myself as a social democrat, a mutualist, an anarcho-syndicalist, an anarcho-communist, an individualist anarchist, a Green, a libertarian, a left-libertarian, a libertarian socialist, a democratic socialist, a classical liberal... and now, frankly, I just think of myself as a liberal (and tend to avoid the silly label game, 'cuz I've exhausted it). But while I've gone left to right and back again on economics, I've NEVER ventured into authoritarianism. I've always been intensely anti-authoritarian, and even if my economic beliefs have been collectivistic at certain points, on social issues I've always been intensely individualistic.