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05 Jan 2010, 12:09 am

I have been thinking about this for awhile. Even before Obama won the election. Back when it was Obama and Hillery for Democrats, I said to myself: What we need is a Black Female Lesbian president, that would shatter barriers!

But now back to Earth. I am wondering has there ever been an Aspie/ASD/Autistic person that was KNOWN as such AT THE TIME in office? I don't mean Abe or Washington or whoever they suspect now. I wonder if it is possible for an Aspie to win an election for Mayor, State Rep, Congress, etc (up to President).

I don't mean would the social aspects be a problem. Public speaking for most with AS is horrid from what I get. I mean barring social issues, do you think the majority would elect someone with AS? (And no, at that point people know about it, skeletons get surfaced by the media).

While being an Aspie by default does not make you good election material (same as NT's be default are not) I think somebody with AS, who was a clear thinker and could suppress many "issues" in public, would be invaulble to the government high office.



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05 Jan 2010, 12:38 am

I think being identified as being on the spectrum would completely derail any chance anyone had at a political office other than dogcatcher (and it might sink that as well). Being labeled can pretty much destroy you in an "office" office unless you are very careful as well - people are not particularly enlightened, regardless of what we'd like to hope. Sadly, I think that "the masses" would consider an aspie/autie as damaged goods, and they don't want that around - and certainly not in any position of authority/power. Even among those who were more highly educated, I think there'd probably still be some shadow of doubt as to what an Aspie/Autie would do under pressure, and people might not want to take the risk there.

A few elections back there was a gentleman who was nominated for Vice President. When it became known that he had been treated, years earler, for depression, it torpedoed him. He was asked to and did remove himself from consideration as "unelectable." He would have been very good, I think. Eagleton.

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05 Jan 2010, 12:39 am

We may have already had an AS president. Some believe Thomas Jefferson had AS.


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05 Jan 2010, 12:43 am

CaptainMac wrote:
We may have already had an AS president. Some believe Thomas Jefferson had AS.

You failed to read my post correctly.

[qoute]I am wondering has there ever been an Aspie/ASD/Autistic person that was KNOWN as such AT THE TIME in office? I don't mean Abe or Washington or whoever they suspect now[/quote]


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05 Jan 2010, 2:54 am

Asperger's Syndrome has only been a known issue in the States since 1992. That means someone would have to be DXed since. That mostly leaves adults that didn't know they had it.


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05 Jan 2010, 4:17 am

Id like to run for office as a member of parliament but wouldn't disclose until AFTER I am elected and have been known to be a good MP.The opposing parties DO NOT DARE attack ones disability because that would be deemed unCanadian, but how the general electorate would vote would be something I would keep in mind, so I wouldnt disclose until I have proven myself and can use such to give aspies a good name.No opposing party or any member of the press can access anyones health records or such due to Canada's strict privacy laws.

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05 Jan 2010, 5:43 am

I don't mean would the social aspects be a problem. Public speaking for most with AS is horrid from what I get.

That's not the impression I get. I heard that a lot are very articulate at public speaking... which is very different from socializing.

I'm not sure whether people would vote for them. Certainly in the states, from what I gather, they vote on whether you can do the job properly, or whether you're the member of a minority.

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15 Jan 2010, 1:23 pm

If an Aspie is obsessed with politics and world issues and if that's their special interest, he should be president because he SPENDS HIS WHOLE LIFE RESEARCHING HIS INTEREST and that qualifies (maybe overqualifies) him for the job.

These people in office are so ignorant. They don't know s**t about world issues... like autism, for example. I can't believe people are dumb enough to elect them. They are all idiots at least sometimes, and they're supposed to know about issues if they are to be trusted in office, but they don't. It's, quite frankly, terrifying.


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18 Jan 2010, 10:19 am

You'd be surprised how good many Aspies are at public speaking. Apart from that, as for political office, I'd say not. Life as a politician would be too intense for most Aspies, is something where there'd be an especial need for intuituve social skills and so is something where an Aspie's communication skills would be "found out" more. Stress levels in today's world of politics would be particularly high.

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18 Jan 2010, 11:37 am

Here in Canada, the leader of the federal Liberal Party - Michael Ignatieff - may have AS. I have heard that when he converses with people, he rarely makes eye contact and has terrible interpersonal skills. It may explain why he is doing so badly politically.

I have Asperger's Syndrome. I'm not an Aspie.


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19 Jan 2010, 10:45 am

Here, Gordon Brown is often suspected to have AS. The case is probably a lot stronger than for Ignatieff.

A Google search for "Michael Ignatieff Asperger" gives you around 1,000 hits. A similar search for "Gordon Brown Asperger" would give you a combined total of about 60,000, suggesting a stronger case for Brown even allowing for the UK's population being double Canada's, and being PM while Ignatieff is opposition leader.

In my honest opinion, however, Brown doesn't have Asperger's.


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19 Jan 2010, 3:20 pm

I have a friend who was the mayor of a small town in Iowa, whom was diagnosed with borderline autism as a child. It was a town of about 900 people, so the biggest decisons that were made had to do with renewing the tavern's liquior license every year, lot line disputes, etc.

I know that I have talked about this guy alot, but a flood hit his community in the summer of 2008. He seemed to do more for his community as a public official than our mayor and council here in Cedar Rapids, many of whom were highly educated and has previous political experience. He rolled up his sleeves and brought his town together, which in many ways rebuilt expeditiously and innovatively. He is in some ways a local hero.

I found a news piece on our local NBC affiliate, they did a nice interview with him, but the video now seems to be AWOL on their site.


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19 Jan 2010, 10:35 pm

I have read up on the biography of Canadian Prime Minister and Conservative leader, Stephen Harper.He was not very social and the press attacked him as being emotionless and being a "robot" and "nerd" and "boring" to the public.Sometimes I think he might be a on the spectrum.

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19 Aug 2018, 2:47 am

New Enfield School Board Member With Autism Champions 'Neurodiversity

When Sarah Hernandez decided in May to run for a position on the local school board, she scoured the internet for people with autism who also sought public office.

She had trouble finding anyone, but she said that was fine. She would carve out her own path.

“I think it gave me freedom to define what my next steps would be without trying to follow something already established,” Hernandez said. “I took my own approach even on how I talk about it. I knew it was an important part of me, but do I say, ‘Hi, I’m Sarah. I’m running for board of education and I’m autistic’?”

Hernandez, 38, a Democrat, was sworn in Tuesday on the town’s school board after having garnered 3,346 votes. She said she hopes to be a new voice on the board as well as a presence that infuses some “neurodiversity“.

“I think it’s important to talk about where people with differing abilities fit in to diversity and inclusion,” Hernandez said. “Our voices aren’t usually talked about in that … it’s usually about gender, ethnicity and religion. I don’t believe it’s intentional. But still, in society they have that view of people with differing abilities, that we exist to be taken care of by you, and that’s not true.”

She took this message to social media shortly after the election. Her post on the Facebook group Pantsuit Nation received tens of thousands of likes and comments. She thanked those in the group for the encouragement she said she received to “show up and be heard as an autistic voice in the political process.” She said she has fielded a slew of messages from people on the autism spectrum or parents whose children are autistic. Many voiced hope.

“It’s definitely not comfortable, but I am getting a little buzz from it because it’s exciting to see hope“.

She said it’s important “anytime that we can do something to show we are here and we have a voice and we are important and it’s not just enough to talk to us. We deserve to be sitting at that table, making policy.”

s a political candidate, she was thrust into the public where she knocked on doors and discussed her personal experiences with voters, something she never imagined for herself.

“This is not the life I intended. It’s not anything when I was growing up I’d imagine. I thought I’d be a researcher, in my little hidy-hole, getting my data,” said Hernandez, who is a professor of occupational therapy at Bay Path College and is working on her Ph.D.

When she approached Democratic Party leadership in town, she said she was met with unwavering support.

“I was nervous when I was asking to run, I said, ‘I just have to tell you I am autistic,’” Hernandez recalled. “And the chair, Liz Davis, said, ‘That’s awesome ... We are excited to have you come aboard.’”

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 19 Aug 2018, 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Aug 2018, 2:50 am

Nan wrote:
people are not particularly enlightened, regardless of what we'd like to hope.

They are when there's something in it for them.

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04 Sep 2018, 10:58 am

I've heard Vladimiur Putin is an aspie. If it's true we shouldn't be provoking him because we all know about aspie rage