I guess it's a war of perceptions. Because some groups like Autism Speaks present a very negative view of autism, based on exaggeration and speculation, others on the autistic side may emphasize positive aspects, even if some of that is based partly on speculation and not on hard evidence.
I'd be unwilling to do Temple Grandin down, personally. She's done a lot for us as a community, even if some people have a problem with the specifics of the arguments she uses.
I think as things move forward people are becoming more careful in presenting savant or gifted abilities as part a wider context of diversity amongst us. A really good example of that is a recent documentary on Stephen Wiltshire, the autistic savant artist. Both the narrator, and two interviewees, pointed out that this is a rare gift and that other people with autism do not have such a gift that would enable them to succeed to his extent in the NT world. The director had obviously taken pains to get this point across, and although parts of the documentary featured interviewees who were still a bit patronizing, it was a comparatively well considered piece, coming from NT film-makers.
I agree with what you're all saying here though. Savants make great "human interest" stories of the kind the media are interested in. It's more unusual to find depictions of the experiences of average autistic people, because I guess we don't make very interesting TV. The BBC have made a fly-on-the-wall documentary about life for everyday autistic people, but that's the only one I know of.
If we're talking about a "re-education" project, it would be an awesome challenge for a film-maker to do perfectly.... but it's not impossible. It would be hard to balance an accurate portrayal of our obvious social difficulties and at the same time, show the skills that we have that are often wasted, but without exaggerating the case either way... and still make it interesting to watch from an NT angle. Let alone making sure the film emphasized our individuality within the spectrum.... all in the space of half an hour!! I know Alex the site developer is into making movies, and I know there are others out there who could contribute to that kind of project. Would be great to see it happen.