Sionis wrote:
This is the dumbest crap I've ever heard of.
And I never understood what the neurodiversity movement means when their fighting for their rights? Autistics have just as many rights as anyone else; yes there are prejudices that need to be fought against, but autistics are NOT second class citizens. And I think the movement is extreme enough as it is. Bordering on nutty almost.
Well, I don't know about what other people have gone through, but a lot of the time, we are refused the right to an education because it seems that society doesn't want to accomodate for our educational needs. It's weird that most schools have support for learning disorders and know f**k all about autism spectrum disorders. I'm one of the few people that was lucky enough to get that support at school- not many people get that help. It's as if we're not worthy of this support, but a frivolous war is.
If you have looked around this site, you'll see plenty of examples of autistic people being denied their rights and treated like second class citizens (not just from members of the site). Also, lets face it - do you really think most people in the world actually care about our rights? Whether you like it or not, attitudes need to be changed and that has to be done by establishing that people with disabilities are just regular people. One way to do this is through a movement, like the Neurodiversity movement.
You are right, however, that most of the problem is attitude and not necessarily rights. With that being said, it's still a major problem which causes people to live in fear.