Teredia wrote:
Hi, what you're doing is great and all, but sorry to put a dampaner on your cause, under the DSM-V (5) ASPERGER'S SYNDROME no longer exists.. so us "aspies" are High Functioning Autistics..... nothing "too special" thats kinda my view on it how the psychological world seems to see us... "oh theyre nothing special, theyre just HFA..." buncha lowsey ignorant know it alls... anyways. I wish you luck on your promotion for awareness, hopefully you can make sure that in the DSM VI (6) that Aspergers is back where it belongs =)
Well hopefully they don't assume we are all high functioning...but I don't really see anything bad about them getting rid of AS and just putting it as Autism. Then maybe people wont expect people to fit into some super genius nerd catagory if they have 'aspergers' But yeah it makes no sense to me to have to different diagnoses of the same disorder....I guess if people with AS are autistic that means people with autism do have some qualities maybe that will help the stigma. Because if one who is lower functioning as a child is seen as a person with potential to learn and grow(not as in become normal but just you know general living life). Rather then someone who will never even say a word and then treated as such.
I mean I can't help but think some of the lower functioning people with Autism are still so low functioning because they never had anyone take the time to try and get to know them and help them with their goals and having access to their intrests. I mean I just feel like if someone is treated like they can never develop, learn anything and doesn't even so much as have any thoughts they would have a very hard time even with just general learning of things...but that's just an idea.
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