Reading over Pianoraks account she ticks every box for a targeted individual victimised by organised stalkers. Her account is even suggestive of why she became targeted. She mentions a hostile absent husband. Some women fleeing abusive relationships report that after being stalked by their ex they ended up being stalked by everybody. Hostile ex partners determined to get at their ex partner any was possible find out about gang stalking and then set that person up as a target. Women are the majority of gang stalking targets and people with mental conditions which make it more difficult to defend themselves. And being intelligent and moral is part of the profile too. It seems a large scapegoat class is being deliberately created. Pianorak fits a typical gangstalking victim profile - female, intelligent, moral, and belonging to a group - Aaspergers- which is not mainstream and frequently misunderstood.
On another thread someone said police target Aspergers because their behaviour resembles the off key body language of people who are up to no good. This is so unfortunate as studies prove that people on the autistic spectrum are even less likely to lie than normals, it is something they find difficult ( as shown by their tendency yo be over literal).
You can't move away from gang stalking, it is worldwide.