Which one of these people is doing more damage to our image?

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Which one of these is doing the most damage to our image?
1. Chris Chan 15%  15%  [ 11 ]
2. Simon Baron-Cohen 8%  8%  [ 6 ]
3. The blogging Autism Moms 44%  44%  [ 31 ]
4. Nobody 10%  10%  [ 7 ]
5. Somebody else entirely - tell me who, tell me, tell me, tell me. 23%  23%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 71


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12 Mar 2015, 9:48 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
aghogday wrote:
genesis529 wrote:
99.9% of people probably don't even know who Chris Chan, Cohen, and the blogging mom's even are.


The interwebz is ONLY small pockets of reality spread out in infinity online..:)

It's easy to COME TO believe that 1 tenth of one percent means anything, when in reality it means almost
nothing at all.

IN other WORDS NO one give a c r
and a p about this, in the BIG FLESH AND BLOOD REAL WORLD,

where people hardly have time to take one, really take one PER THE
AND ON top of that its IRS time..;)

The neurodiversity and boycott movements apparently have made a difference at least in their public presentations. This fundraising video was released two weeks ago.

As long as the Wrights are the leaders I am just as skeptical still about their motives as most of you are and the bottom line is the bottom line where does the money go? While most of you will find the parts if not most of the video objectionable I don't want to overstate but don't underestimate what has changed since "I am Autism" and I was thinking about driving my kids off the bridge videos. Two Autistic adults are featured in it.

Despite claims we are not even noticed, despite claims that the only the most negative shocking videos will raise the money apparently the marketing gurus over there feel differently.

Well, truly the complaints are not noticed in the general public, as honestly the general public has no idea what Asperger's is except for the meme in popular T.V. shows. If they even have heard of the label that's relatively rare in the real world. And to be able to actually define it is practically non-existent and even the case for some folks actually diagnosed with it.

I have yet to find anyone in my local area that's ever heard of it, who can actually define it, and now that it is gone from the DSM that's not going to get any better. And I interact with scores of real life flesh and blood people in an average day out and about.

It's just an abstract label anyway in the U.S., for a broad category of deficits in reciprocal social communication and RRB's that even top researchers acknowledge can be caused by almost anything in life, both genetic and environmental.

I truly have never paid any real mind to any labels in life.

I do not do labels at all.

But for the people who want to worry about stuff that really doesn't matter in real life, that's okay.

As I am worry free AND TOTALLY ANXIETY FREE, after living a life full of anxiety.

I simply learned to control my greatest assets, which are my mind and body in balance.

With that in tow, I for one am in control of how I feel about life, and me, with unconditional love for others, and that's a hell of an advantage when it comes to the stuff in life that matters not.

I mean seriously, who in the real world would notice if this Internet site fell off the map.

Truly no one, but the relative handful of regular posters here.

It's great for the people it helps but a none entity in the real world of folks.

There are much much bigger fish to fry, and bears to escape from, in real life, and it's hard for me to
imagine that folks do not realize this, unless they really never get out into the real world of flesh and blood
humans, and to some degree from what I hear here that's probably self evident.

And that's okay too, as after all, this is a support site, for people who have difficulties making it in the real world but I don't think it can hurt to find out what it's really about.

And honestly, Asperger's, is not on the map, or even real life radar. And not even Autism Speaks for that matter, except for the half of one percent of U.S. citizens that pour money into it, to the tune of around 1 million folks.

There's like a handful of people compared to all of that communication online with a so-called spectrum disorder.

The numbers tell an unmistakable tale of truth and logic, at least in this case.

But a special interest is a special interest I guess.

My sister collects buttons, and I dance.

The only difference is, I have friends all over the place in real life, and she is isolated.

Dance works better, if anyone asks me. And nah, I was clumsy and stiff as HELL, before I learned how WHAT I CONSIDER TO BE FULLY HUMAN. AND TO be clear that only applies to may life, and no one else here, as truly people here are as diverse or more diverse, as anywhere else.

The label means relatively nothing when the flesh and blood hits the real roads of life, as far as any real noticeable similarities between each unique individual.

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12 Mar 2015, 10:40 pm

It is not a matter of how many know but how influential they are in making Autism Policy. Autism policy how it is viewed will not effect as many people as Putin but as you say it will directly effect people on this board. 99.9% do not have any effect on the world but they are able to affect a mini part of it. That is not unimportant.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

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13 Mar 2015, 3:29 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
It is not a matter of how many know but how influential they are in making Autism Policy. Autism policy how it is viewed will not effect as many people as Putin but as you say it will directly effect people on this board. 99.9% do not have any effect on the world but they are able to affect a mini part of it. That is not unimportant.

I think people should be able to believe and be concerned with whatever they want to.

It's better to be concerned about something and engaged in it, no matter what it is, compared to nothing.

So I for one, certainly have no problem with people who engage time and effort into these issues, as it helped me keep my mind off the pain disorder I had, as this was an issue that would never end.

Now that I am over my illnesses, I just do different stuff. :)

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14 Mar 2015, 10:37 pm

Some of the "blogging mothers" Tho I have found a blog that is more about the truth about of what it's like for their son to have Aspergers but he's not on the cross about it as he posts both the positives and negatives.

However, it appears that whenever there is a mass shooting the media jumps on the Aspergers/Autism train granted A.Lanza had Aspergers it wasn't the overall case tho to those whom are uniformed they are now liking people whom have Autism as well as Aspergers as being cold blooded killers.

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16 Mar 2015, 12:19 pm

long thread, many derails.

to keep it brief, i don't think the average person knows what autism speaks is, much less the others on this list.
perhaps the media coverage of happy shooters when it veers toward instant diagnosis. (but does anyone take that jibber-jabber seriously as discourse?)

still, more than these, it's when shows use cartoony autism-signifiers as a source of automatic yuks that gets my goat. (i see the rosie project has a sequel out now.) i feel i understand what a modern african-american looking at 30s stereotypical movie characters must feel--& yet this is still better than invisibility, i'm sure.

it's just immensely dispiriting.

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16 Mar 2015, 12:36 pm

graywyvern wrote:
long thread, many derails.

to keep it brief, i don't think the average person knows what autism speaks is, much less the others on this list.

The average person will believe whatever the few say to them in regards to such topics, largely because those few are the people who are connected to it, so the average person thinks they are an authority on the matter, and I think most of us here can agree that Autism Speaks has done considerable damage, not just to our image to the public eye, but also to the families of those affected by autism directly. It's those people who proliferate that damaging image to the general public, and that is how such things are spread, it's all out of ignorance and fear.

graywyvern wrote:
perhaps the media coverage of happy shooters when it veers toward instant diagnosis. (but does anyone take that jibber-jabber seriously as discourse?)

You put too much faith in humanity, particularly their higher reasoning capabilities.
You'd be surprised how many people will believe what's on the news as fact, and as stated above, it's because they think the people reporting such nonsense are some authority on the matter, and it's again, ignorance and fear (and often stupidity as well) that proliferate that viewpoint.

Truth on a matter is rarely considered when you have a society that is torn every which way, by subterfuge, lies, and corruption, as ours is now. And it's even worse when fear is also in the equation because people don't stop and think about it or do research on the matter. Unfortunately speaking, any research into autism will lead 90% of people looking for answers to autism speaks, and since they're proliferating that same ignorance, fear, and even dehumanization of autistic people, while claiming to be an authority on the subject matter, it makes matters even worse.

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16 Mar 2015, 4:00 pm

Well said Jaden - and it also astounds me how gullible people are regarding the media.


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17 Mar 2015, 10:37 am

B19 wrote:
Well said Jaden - and it also astounds me how gullible people are regarding the media.

Thank you, it astounds me as well. It just tells me people are too lazy to be bothered with details lol

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21 Mar 2015, 10:53 am

Suzanne and Bob Wright, and Autism Speaks in general.