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22 Feb 2012, 11:33 am

ursaminor wrote:
1. People will be found guilty or not guilty by a computer, instead of a jury.
2. All clothing will be functional and comfortable.
3. Common sense would not be set by personal experience, but by a big computer, in which one would input a situation and it would output the best response.

Let's let the computer make the laws too and let sound reasoning be the basis for everything. No laws based on swaying the mob, just a logical system to support our homogeneity and our pursuit of life.


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22 Feb 2012, 3:43 pm

BlueMage wrote:
1) In Aspergia, all business can be conducted without a telephone. Instead we can send email, texts, whatever the people involved are most comfortable with.

To: 911
From: BlueMage
Subject: Chest pains

Hurts cant berath send amblance hury

BlueMage wrote:
2) There are clearly-written instructions for how to do everything.

1. Lift lid.
2. Unzip trousers
3. …

BlueMage wrote:
In Aspergian society no one assumes you know how you are supposed to act.

You there! Stop that! Dangit ... ya gotta watch these Aspergians alla time...

BlueMage wrote:
3) Office buildings are not overly lit with blaring fluorescent lights.

Just what we need ... buncha people stumbling around in the dark.

BlueMage wrote:
Everyone gets their own sound-proof office, no one has to share a cubicle.

Padded walls make the best soundproofing, I’m told.

BlueMage wrote:
Plenty of people get to work from home.

Plenty don’t.

BlueMage wrote:
4) Everything can be ordered by delivery. No having to look through sensory-overloadicious aisles at the supermarket, department store, drug store.

Clicking on a picture is never the same as knowing what you are buying.

Elementary_Physics wrote:
High School students in Aspergia would be able to choose classes based on what they enjoy, rather then general requirements.

Great ... 10,000 students in the Computer classes, and not one of them learning English.

Elementary_Physics wrote:
Students would not have to break up into partners or homework groups.

Good. Each student would be solely responsible for his or her own grades. No more blaming poor performance on lab partners and other students.
Elementary_Physics wrote:
Television Channel's would be centered around a general topic, so the average Aspie could tune into the "Art Channel" or the "Physics Channel" when ever their special interests called.

Good. I need a “Bikini model scratching my back while reciting Haiku in French” channel.

Elementary_Physics wrote:
The streets would be kept clean and tidy in Aspergia

By whom?

Adventus wrote:
Noise levels would be low.

Easy ... with everyone in their padded cells ... err ... soundproof offices.

Adventus wrote:
People would anwswer the question you asked not a different one.

Only those people who actually want answers would be asking questions.

Adventus wrote:
People would follow the rules of the road and pay attention to traffic.

Better yet, full public transportation anywhere.

Adventus wrote:
People would let you finish what you are saying without interuption

People would finish their sentences with some form of punctuation.

Arminius wrote:
Good music education would be more readily available. Unusually good ears should not go to waste.

Only if we outlaw Rap, Marching Bands, and drum solos.

Arminius wrote:
Do you think a lot of NT's would have to be granted work visas?

No. We need people who know how to work without complaining about the lighting and noise levels.

Arminius wrote:
In an Aspie society, who would work with jack hammers?

Deaf Aspies.

Aietra wrote:
I think it'd be likely to be a pre-industrial country.

No computers, nno antibiotics, no television, no Internet...

Aietra wrote:
Besides, was it Temple Grandin that reckoned that Aspies were good with horses? Who needs smelly tractors, eh?

Let’s replace smelly tractors with smelly livestock. Watch where you step.

Aietra wrote:
And we wouldn't need to trade with other countries, because our carbon emissions would be so low that we'd get money from the Kyoto thingamajig.

Who among us would fill out the paperwork and argue our case?

ursaminor wrote:
1. People will be found guilty or not guilty by a computer, instead of a jury.

Who would decide the sentence?

ursaminor wrote:
2. All clothing will be functional and comfortable.

Ponchos made from parachute silk.

ursaminor wrote:
3. Common sense would not be set by personal experience, but by a big computer, in which one would input a situation and it would output the best response.

Premise a: Computers use logic to make decisions.
Premise b: Logic makes no room for emotional content.
Conclusion: Computers would not have compassion.

Pobodys_Nerfect wrote:
It would be law that all single aspie women must leave their rooms and socialise in the village at least once a month.

Who decides which day of the month that will be?

Asp-Z wrote:
I'd start a company producing stuff specifically for people on the spectrum and make billions

In a pre-industrial society, you’re limited to earplugs and eyeshades.


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22 Feb 2012, 4:48 pm

Very funny Fnord, there is truely alot of diversity among us.

I have to disagree that computers wouldn't have compassion though. Compassion would exist through the simple fact that we had a logical society that could be understood. Solutions for justice would be logical and therefore not harm those who are punished. Injuring a criminal through emotional distress, IMHO, doesn't make things better... We have 5% of our population behind bars. Punishment = Failure. Modern Criminal Justice = Epic Fail. IMHO, criminal mindsets exist and persist through fundamental gaps of understanding in the criminal mind (when not crimes of necessity), so why not show them a better life in order to improve their lot in life. If a poor man steals bread, print him some cash and give him some support and education... it's not like money actually comes from something. If a criminal mind lacks some understanding, print some cash and use it to teach him. Cheaper than deficit spending on prisons... The same amount of money could pay for an Ivy League education with room and board. Plus, rather than put a man in a position where he will never be able to accomplish his goals due to his criminal record and be more likely to commit additional crimes, he will instead have a life and family that he is working/living for. In a realist sense, given a job market where I've had to pass a background check for all four of the jobs I've had in the last two years any sentence that would show up on a background check would ensure that every criminal continues to go unemployed and has to make crime pay in order to survive. A six month sentence then equates to a lifetime sentence. Thus prison spending will continue to spiral out of control and prisons will continue to be the human rights atrocities that they are today. I live in a town with a maximum security prison and an electric chair... people go in for drug possession and come out with an Ivy League MBA with a crime specialty and with conventions of the world that can be pretty f*cked up and hopeless! I had a family member come out of a 12 step program with the same hopeless attitude that lead him to drugs and crime in the first place. He is perhaps wiser and more philosophical, but his philosophy centers around pain and hopelessness being a fact of life. What kind of existence is that for someone to live?

I hardly see compassion in having people run things. Let's try a computer. A computer can can tell the system "NO" instead of caving in to the feelings and passionate but very illogical state of the victims and society at large. Computers can't be bribed, they don't have to run for election, they can't make a promise they can't keep, they won't be programmed to do anything but tell the truth and educate people. Do you think a computer would have allowed the real estate bubble to happen? Do you think it would have not educated people to understand what was going to happen to our economy? It was entirely predictable, though some would say it wasn't predictable by human beings because we can't see the future... However we have a system based on confidence, and it failed us. We are facing between 15-50 years of stagnation in our economy... something that wouldn't have happened if a computer could have said "NO."

The list goes on and on, a Central Government AI could advice people on matters of everything and so long as each nations computer wasn't trying to outwit the computer of another nation and worked together, globalization could bring us all prosperity and peace rather than stagnation and depression.

AI Computer for President! Let's do write ins!


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22 Feb 2012, 8:37 pm

Ira Levin wrote:
Christ, Marx, Wood and Wei,
Led us to this perfect day.
Marx, Wood, Wei and Christ,
All but Wei were sacrificed.
Wood, Wei, Christ and Marx,
Gave us lovely schools and parks.
Wei, Christ, Marx and Wood,
Made us humble, made us good.


webcam wrote:
Very funny Fnord, there is truely alot of diversity among us.

Thank you.

webcam wrote:
I have to disagree that computers wouldn't have compassion though.

Computers can only simulate thought and feeling. They can not be influenced by tears, shouting, sobbing, whispering, cow-eyed looks, smiles, frowns, winks, and so forth only if they are programmed to do so.

webcam wrote:
I hardly see compassion in having people run things.

It's there. So are prejudices, assumptions, and adverse feelings associated with certain images, actions, and crimes.

webcam wrote:
Let's try a computer. A computer can can tell the system "NO" instead of caving in to the feelings and passionate but very illogical state of the victims and society at large. Computers can't be bribed...


webcam wrote:
... they don't have to run for election, they can't make a promise they can't keep, they won't be programmed to do anything but tell the truth and educate people.

A computer does only what it is programmed to do. It can not reason, empathize, pity, or have any compassion or other feelings at all. All of its responses are pre-determined by logic and programming.

webcam wrote:
Do you think a computer would have allowed the real estate bubble to happen?

Yes. Not only could it happen, but computers contributed to the bubble through automatic buy/sell utilities.

webcam wrote:
Do you think it would have not educated people to understand what was going to happen to our economy?

No. A computer can not predict the future. It can warn of possible outcomes, based on current trends, but the global economy is as much driven by human emotion as it is regulated by laws.

webcam wrote:
It was entirely predictable, though some would say it wasn't predictable by human beings because we can't see the future...

People were warning of an impending economic collapse, but very few people were convinced.

webcam wrote:
However we have a system based on confidence, and it failed us.

We have a system based on greed and ... well, greed. As long as profits could be made, the "doomsayers" were ignored.

webcam wrote:
We are facing between 15-50 years of stagnation in our economy... something that wouldn't have happened if a computer could have said "NO."

Machines can warn us about anything we program them to, but in the end, nobody really pays any attention.

"Hey, Ralph! Come look at this stoopid machine ... it keeps saying 'NO'."

"Pull the plug on it, Herb. It's just a machine."

webcam wrote:
The list goes on and on, a Central Government AI could advice people on matters of everything and so long as each nations computer wasn't trying to outwit the computer of another nation and worked together, globalization could bring us all prosperity and peace rather than stagnation and depression.

Please read "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin. It's set in just the kind of world that you described.

The world is managed by a central computer called UniComp which has been programmed to keep every single human on the surface of the earth in check. People are continually drugged by means of monthly treatments (delivered via transdermal spray or jet injector) so that they will remain satisfied and cooperative "Family members". They are told where to live, when to eat, whom to marry, when to reproduce, and for which job they will be trained. Everyone is assigned a counselor who acts somewhat like a mentor, confessor, and parole agent; violations against 'brothers' and 'sisters' by themselves and others are expected to be reported at a weekly confession ... opposition against such a life by those few who happen to be resistant to the drugs, or those who purposely change their behavior to avoid strong doses of some of the drugs in the monthly treatment, and who consequently wake up to a day which for them turns out to be anything but perfect, is dealt with by the programmers of UniComp. These long-lived men and women, in their underground hideaway, constitute the real, albeit invisible, world government. They live in absolute luxury and choose their own members through a form of meritocracy. In part, people who choose, through evasion and modifying their own behavior, to leave the main Family are subtly re-directed to "nature preserves" of imperfect life on islands. These, however, have been put in place by the programmers as a place to isolate trouble-making Family members. The top minds among the outcasts are further manipulated into joining the programmers to help them maintain the equilibrium in the "perfect" world of UniComp and The Family.

Not exactly an ideal Utopia.

webcam wrote:
AI Computer for President! Let's do write ins!

Never. I want no cold, heartless monster running my life ... again ...


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22 Feb 2012, 9:02 pm


Last edited by goodwitchy on 28 Feb 2012, 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Feb 2012, 12:08 am


I'm talking about a much more advanced computer than you I think. My perfect computer can develop on it's own and write it's own formulas, it has independent thought and is tasked with creating indefinite growth within certain parameters, understands natural law, can run simulations to determine the best laws and regulations to keep our species diversifying and evolving efficiently while maintaining free will. It has all the capacity for thought that a human does, but no emotion. The compassion isn't programmed, it is created by the existence of a computer that can self develop to solve all problems. Such things are coming, some estimates predict that the hardware will be available in 2013. It's only a matter of time before Government Alpha starts running somewhere as a test.

Unicomp doesn't happen in my ideas. It's just people following the advice of an impartial computer that process all information and remove any partial influence from it. Or which simply doesn't react to partial influence.

Just curious, who was the cold heartless machine?

Also, why the anonymous mask, what do you hope to gain from them? I've been thinking they might be a government induced movement to pre-empt the following any other similar organization might receive. What are your thoughts? Either that or a cattle to the slaughter thing... provoke crime to make money on prisons...


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23 Feb 2012, 12:21 am

@webcam: You are talking fantasy.


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26 Feb 2012, 5:24 pm

Tokiodarling21 wrote:
Aietra wrote:
Pobodys_Nerfect wrote:
It would be law that all single aspie women must leave their rooms and socialise in the village at least once a month.


:thumbdown::thumbdown: I second this.
lol christian weston chandler much? i hope this country wouldn't be full of people like that. if it is i'd want them all in one place and myself out of it. with countries you just make a constitution and have citizens and let things go their own way. really not much of a discussion can come out of that unless you decide to talk about something silly like all the posts above.


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26 Feb 2012, 7:23 pm

Fnord wrote:
@webcam: You are talking fantasy.

Only for now, the tech will be available with continued development.


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27 Feb 2012, 1:19 pm

Fnord wrote:
@webcam: You are talking fantasy.

That's what this thread is... fantasy, right?


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27 Feb 2012, 2:55 pm

Feralucce wrote:
Fnord wrote:
@webcam: You are talking fantasy.

That's what this thread is... fantasy, right?
I was going to say something like that a day or so ago. Then I forgot. So I'll just say "Agreed." :lol:

{{Certified Coffeeholic.}}
I have Severe ADHD (Diagnosed), Tics and Mild OCD. [Fully Alert, Test Retaken.]
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27 Feb 2012, 3:56 pm

Mithos wrote:
I was going to say something like that a day or so ago. Then I forgot. So I'll just say "Agreed." :lol:

I would not bring it up, but with our dislike for most menial, demeaning or repetitive tasks outside our interest and skill sets, Aspergia would need a large contingent of robots to take care of a lot of things as well as an extensive artificial intelligence network to control them. I can only say that one of us needs to get interested in quantum computing.

It seems like a nice place to visit, but with my focus being in film making... i think I would ONLY visit...


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27 Feb 2012, 9:25 pm

Feralucce wrote:
Mithos wrote:
I was going to say something like that a day or so ago. Then I forgot. So I'll just say "Agreed." :lol:

I would not bring it up, but with our dislike for most menial, demeaning or repetitive tasks outside our interest and skill sets, Aspergia would need a large contingent of robots to take care of a lot of things as well as an extensive artificial intelligence network to control them. I can only say that one of us needs to get interested in quantum computing.

It seems like a nice place to visit, but with my focus being in film making... i think I would ONLY visit...

Film making? Where do you live? I have similar interests... what kind of films do you like?


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27 Feb 2012, 11:08 pm

webcam wrote:
Film making? Where do you live? I have similar interests... what kind of films do you like?

I live in the Hollywood of the South - New Orleans Louisiana.

What kind of films do I like? I can only say "Yes"... I have enjoyed films of every genre.

As for making films, I strive to make informational, but intense pieces of fiction. One piece we made was called "Lonely." It was an intense and disturbing look at dissociative disorder.

Unfortunately... or maybe fortunately, I seem to have a knack for horror films. My team and I took an award for each of our pieces we entered in an international horror film festival last year. We are in the process of putting together a 36 episode web series called "Project Z: History of the Zombie Apocalypse" that will culminate in a feature film - a Character motivated Zombie drama called (Ironic gasp here) "Project Z".

We're also shooting some shorts to submit for festivals this year and a vlog web series I just started. (that probably won't last very long. I have discovered I do not like being on camera, just behind it.)

Unlike (and please do not take offense if I am incorrect in this) the other Asperger's I have met, I seem to have a driving need to create that I cannot quench. 3 novels so far, 20 short films... considering a documentary on asperger's, and a blog...

And I am babbling... sorry


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28 Feb 2012, 10:05 am

Feralucce wrote:
webcam wrote:
Film making? Where do you live? I have similar interests... what kind of films do you like?

I live in the Hollywood of the South - New Orleans Louisiana.

What kind of films do I like? I can only say "Yes"... I have enjoyed films of every genre.

As for making films, I strive to make informational, but intense pieces of fiction. One piece we made was called "Lonely." It was an intense and disturbing look at dissociative disorder.

Unfortunately... or maybe fortunately, I seem to have a knack for horror films. My team and I took an award for each of our pieces we entered in an international horror film festival last year. We are in the process of putting together a 36 episode web series called "Project Z: History of the Zombie Apocalypse" that will culminate in a feature film - a Character motivated Zombie drama called (Ironic gasp here) "Project Z".

We're also shooting some shorts to submit for festivals this year and a vlog web series I just started. (that probably won't last very long. I have discovered I do not like being on camera, just behind it.)

Unlike (and please do not take offense if I am incorrect in this) the other Asperger's I have met, I seem to have a driving need to create that I cannot quench. 3 novels so far, 20 short films... considering a documentary on asperger's, and a blog...

And I am babbling... sorry

You seem very motivated, that's good, and I wouldn't say you're babbling. All the info you provided was on target to my question.

Though I have to ask, where does the interest in zombies come from?

As for me, I've changed quite a bit in my taste in film. Kodak used to taste the best but now... j/k

I'm looking for something new... But one thing that has never left me is my interest in making space and futurist films. I like to put forth philosophy and open hearts and minds to more logical approaches to social issues. Though I'm kind of at a traffic circle after having an epiphany a little while back... My art life is at a standstill for the moment as I'm going to be far too busy to do anything about it and figure it out any time soon. Hopefully when I've forgotten where my art life went I'll come across this post.


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28 Feb 2012, 10:57 am

I really have no idea where the interest in horror and zombie films comes from. I can say that from a film making stand point, it is the genre you can get away with the cheapest. Horror fans (and movie goers in general) will forgive a lot in the way of effects if it is a good story.

I have done some documentary style, uplifting work called the quest... we go out into this wonderful city of ours and ask people deep, thought provoking questions like "WHat is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?", "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and "What do you think your friends will write on your tombstone?"

The answers were wonderful... if you are interested, those are available on youtube... as are our award winning pieces and I would gladly share them.

Right now, i feel a potent need to do something political and documentarian, but have been having problems making a decision as to WHAT... There are some drag shows around here, and my best friend wants to perform, so following the evolution of a dirty drag queen could be fun. There is the issue of gay marriage... but i really would like to do something following the plight of the autistic spectrum person... I want to do something psotivie and uplifting, not the horror stories they constantly show case on the education channels