clumsybee wrote:
I registered as an Independent this year, just like my parents. I don't like the way either Democrats or Republicans are handling things in office. Both parties have special interest groups that pay for their election campaign, and they make sure the rich people/corporations who put them into power are taken care of. It's disgusting; just look at the tax extensions signed today. The rich get low tax rates when he have a huge deficit, and Social Security is most likely going to get its spending slashed because of it. The best thing in the long run would have been to just let the Bush cuts expire and go to the Clinton tax rates, but it would be 'the biggest tax increase in history' and political suicide. So in 50 years when I'll be 68 I won't be able to get Social Security until I'm 70-something, assuming Congress will try and raise the age more than once in five decades to save money, and it will probably be peanuts compared to today's money. *takes prognostication hat off*
The Green Party needs to get into power. They don't have the special interest connections, and they can't be any worse than the people in there now.
The younger you are, the more pissed off you should be. It's been nothing but overspending and tax cuts for at least 30 years now. Then to consider how we've been using the earth as our own hazardous materials wastebed...
I weep for my children's future. I just wish the younger generation wasn't so generally apathetic (unlike yourself).