Then you will die unhappy.
Farmstead projects are new and working, not as well as I would like, but something. More of a rural group home at this point.
Most threads cave in from doubters, those self chosen lawgivers, and letting people under thirty post.
The future is coming, do something or it will be done to you.
Perhaps you would like to do nothing and let FEMA make your choices for you?
Government income is going to continue to decline, retiring war babies are going to strain retirement programs, and the growing autism field had better chose it's own future for a million people, because no one else could.
In times of full employment we were marginal workers at best. With 20% unemployment from lifetime workers, that path is closed.
It is not just us, a million, there are twenty million displaced by globalization, who are now losing their connection to life, and are likely to never regain it. What do you do with 40% permanete unemployment? We will find out.
The species has to adapt to a more direct labor exchange, like a roof over their head and food. This employment for wages, with taxes, retirement, health care, unemployment, is a failing model.
A big concern is only two workers to support one retired soon. Social Security started with more than seven to support one. It was a Ponzi going up, and now it is only continuing because of the printing press. We will make money worthless is not a plan.
Retired war babies will have worse problems than autistics, they are older, and do not have a lot of time to become secure somewhere.
Between us will be roving bands of displaced people with nowhere to go, no support, and nothing to eat but small towns. Mad Max had it right.
The government is transfering the gold out of the country, as Europeans did in WWII, and will govern from their vinyards in Chile, The Bush family has bought a micro nation.
All in favor of dying can continue doing what they are doing.