why do people say it is impossible to be born with autism?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Nov 2012, 5:13 pm



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12 Nov 2012, 1:11 pm

Being born with something implies your genetics are defective. You are now responsible for a defective child.

I think the majority are good people just in denial over aghast happening.

Plus it's a scary place to be.


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15 Nov 2012, 9:05 am

A) Ignorance

B) Simple ignorance

C) Inexcusable ignorance

D) Colossal ignorance

E) Stupidity

F) Any and or all of the above

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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15 Nov 2012, 9:42 pm

olliepop96 wrote:
I came across some stuff online about parents saying how people aren't born with autism. I am just wondering, even if their kids regressed and were pretty normally developed before, how do they know? I am positive I was born with my autism because my parents could tell I was different from the 2nd day I was born. what about you guys? I know there's a lot of hate about autism causes and "cures", especially autism speaks, but why do people even assume that it is "caused" in the first place???

Definitely - you were born with it if you have it!! ! At least for Asperger's and HFA the evidence is overwhelming that It is inherited genetically. We now have a dozen genes that are fairly well linked to this "condition" (some names given to Asperger's related genes: EN2, reelin, reln, GABRB3, 5-HTT, SLC6A4, AVPR1A, UBE3A, FOXP2). These and other genes generally have been connected to single traits of Asperger's and Autism. It is this large number of genes that seem to be involved in people on the spectrum that makes studding this field so difficult. However, the fact that these studies are working their way back to coding of our genes one inescapable conclusion - yes, you were born with it - and yes at least parts of it has poked itself out in your family before.

I have often said that "The Force" is strong in my family (in this case The Force = Asperger's). In my family I can look back to times well before vaccines and food additives were even available let alone common - Many of my relatives were obviously well along the spectrum. A British study of Asperger's by age in a group of people selected at random - found that the ratio of people with Asperger's to NT is the same for those in their 70s and 80s as for those under 20 - which strongly suggests that environmental change is not a factor in the last 80 years.

So why are so many willing to believe that you get or "catch" Autism and Asperger's. Simple - in order to accept the truth - these people must accept that they have these seeds in themselves as well.

They are unwilling to accept this because they believe that if we inherited this from them then...

1. If we are different from those around us - we must be broken and sick!! !
2. If we are broken or sick - they must be too - and lordy lordy you can't let that on to others.

So the solution is to deny reality - after all most people have no trouble believing a dozen false facts before breakfast and as many lies before you get to lunch.

Found in an old and dusty book --- Roger's Axiom: If it is worth doing it is worth over doing!

Found on http://jacobbarnett.org/ -- If you are suffering from Autism - you're doing it wrong!


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16 Nov 2012, 4:24 am

Fnord wrote:
olliepop96 wrote:
why do people say it is impossible to be born with autism?

I can think of a few reasons:

1. They want you to think that it's your fault (e.g., "choice") for being the way you are.

2. They're Jenny McCarthy fans, and don't want to go against the word of their (porn) goddess.

3. They're parents of autistic kids, and want someone else to take responsibility for financing their kids' lives

4. They're stupid, ignorant attention-whores who want nothing more than to cause anxiety and trouble for others.

I could go on...

MrXxx wrote:
A) Ignorance

B) Simple ignorance

C) Inexcusable ignorance

D) Colossal ignorance

E) Stupidity

F) Any and or all of the above

I believe Fnord and MrXxx have the facts of the matter neatly packaged in a nutshell. :)


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16 Nov 2012, 6:36 am

Probably because the signs aren't obvious in a baby until they get to toddler age, then it starts to become more obvious that they aren't the same as other children at the same age. The autism was always there, it just appears as if it were something that came on suddenly.

That was a large part of how the MMR controversy became so widely believed, because the jabs are given around the time that autism would normally start to show up.


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16 Nov 2012, 7:19 am

ColdEyesWarmHeart wrote:
Probably because the signs aren't obvious in a baby until they get to toddler age, then it starts to become more obvious that they aren't the same as other children at the same age. The autism was always there, it just appears as if it were something that came on suddenly.

That was a large part of how the MMR controversy became so widely believed, because the jabs are given around the time that autism would normally start to show up.

In part, yes. And jumping to conclusions like that without bothering to research the truth is, pretty much, ignorance.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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16 Nov 2012, 1:43 pm

I've never really heard anyone speak about this before. I've known somebody who denies the existence of Autism/Asperger's all together despite the fact he's diagnosed with it himself.

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18 Nov 2012, 2:34 pm

BenPritchard wrote:
I've never really heard anyone speak about this before. I've known somebody who denies the existence of Autism/Asperger's all together despite the fact he's diagnosed with it himself.
Yepper, my son denies it. He thinks my diagnosis is just an excuse.

A colleague of mine (whose Aspie traits abound) actually said, "Everyone is on the spectrum."

I was born this way, and I'm glad because it helps me notice one clearly identifiable toxin, it's our insane society--stress created by corporatism (with attendant war, poverty, etc.).


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18 Nov 2012, 3:26 pm

I would agree that everyone is on A spectrum. It's called the human spectrum, but certainly not everyone is on the autistic spectrum. While there are a great deal of NT's that do have certain specific autistic-like traits, that doesn't make them on the autistic spectrum. Not by a long shot.

That's like saying the colors yellow and blue are "on the spectrum." They are on the overall light spectrum, but if you think of autistics as being the portion of the light spectrum that falls within the infrared to ultraviolet range, yellow and blue certainly do not fall within it.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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19 Nov 2012, 11:13 am

ColdEyesWarmHeart wrote:
Probably because the signs aren't obvious in a baby until they get to toddler age, then it starts to become more obvious that they aren't the same as other children at the same age. The autism was always there, it just appears as if it were something that came on suddenly.

That was a large part of how the MMR controversy became so widely believed, because the jabs are given around the time that autism would normally start to show up.
This is true for a lot of kids on the spectrum, especially the ones whom their parents would call 'dream babies' or say that they never cried, etc. And there are a lot of spectrum babies just like that. I've been told that they usually fall into one of 2 categories - no bother and lots of bother - very few lie somewhere in the middle. They have their MMR at around 18 months, speech might regress, (in the case of classic autism), they start becoming picky eaters and having major tantrums, etc. For many people, seeing as the child had an MMR around this time, they start to think this is the cause, when the autism traits would have manifested themeselves regardless.

My daughter was very different from this. She has Aspergers and isn't at all obvious. But, I knew from day 1 that she was different. She was anything but a dream baby - very difficult and demanding, screaming when she had her clothing changed and demanding to suckle constantly. At 18 months, she started to show even more traits, but nothing too noticeable, because she was already a lot of work. She had her MMR at this time, but it wasn't down to the MMR, the autism was clearly already there.

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19 Nov 2012, 2:04 pm

jjtakala wrote:
There are multiple types and different levels of autism, I self diagnosed my aspergers syndrome and have yet to have it confirmed by some sort of professional. The problem is that the professionals do not know this stuff, They're clueless, constantly grasping at straws, in the form of ideas and thoughts.

Autism can occur in the womb it can also occur from the shock our bodies have to vaccines.

I discovered what causes all of this and I changed my life with what I learned.
I am constantly trying to share it but people think I am full of it!

So I limit myself to the issues instead of trying to help people who don't think someone like myself can actually figure something like this out, But the fact remains.... I lived this!

I know how it happens, I know what causes it and I know how to prevent it and what to do after it happens to reduce the effects and open up possibilities of coming out of it all together.

The severity of autism, I measure by the amount of that which causes it has been consumed and how often!

I was not born with autism, or my aspergers syndrome, It was developed through a lifetime of consuming the toxic substances that cause autism and a great many other behavioral and physical health disorders and problems.

My Aspergers syndrome hasn't gone away but at times it improves, sometimes I have set-backs in the way of accidentally consuming something I shouldn't so the things that lead me to believe that I have aspergers syndrome return and it takes weeks to take myself back to where I was.

Believe it, or not... I have figured out that autiism, aspergers, tourettes, sleep apnea, alzheimers and literally hundreds of other physical and mental health problems are caused by the most severe allergic reaction humans can have!

The fact that we are all unaware that certain chemicals used in foods, beverages, drugs, cosmetics, toiletries, etc are in fact allergens, undiscovered, undeclared, undisputed and unbelieveable.

You, me and every living being on this planet(wrong) are allergic, no one is immune and no one knows!

Stop consuming the allergens and your problems lessen and perhaps can go away if you are able to avoid everything!

So. You have a theory. You don't have THE answer because, honestly, I am 100% convinced there isn't a single THE answer.

In my family I am 100% convinced it is genetic. The trail is very, very clear. How do you plan to explain that one under your theory?

Expand your thinking and more people will listen to you. I have some concerns about how chemicals play into it all, but they cannot be THE answer. The genetic trail is too obvious in my family.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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20 Nov 2012, 6:32 am

olliepop96 wrote:
I came across some stuff online about parents saying how people aren't born with autism. Why do people say it is impossible to be born with autism?

Because they are ignorant as*holes.

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20 Nov 2012, 7:21 am

DW_a_mom wrote:

So. You have a theory. You don't have THE answer because, honestly, I am 100% convinced there isn't a single THE answer.

In my family I am 100% convinced it is genetic. The trail is very, very clear. How do you plan to explain that one under your theory?

Expand your thinking and more people will listen to you. I have some concerns about how chemicals play into it all, but they cannot be THE answer. The genetic trail is too obvious in my family.

I'm convinced it's at least partially genetic... The older I get, the more I realize I'm becoming my father, or I've always been my father... I know that's a fairly common thing, but I mean... Certain things about myself that I only recently began to understand were part of Aspergers... Things that I've observed in my father many many times throughout my life. Unfortunately all my grandparents were dead before I was born(except my mom's mom, and she was a real b***h), and my parents don't really talk much about their families. That, and I don't really talk to them anyway, but I'm about 95% certain that my dad an I both have it. He was born in 1940, and I in 1986. Things have changed quite a bit since then, so what's the constant? Everyone has "allergies" to certain foods, but allergies don't make it difficult to process audio or understand conversational subtleties and body language.

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20 Nov 2012, 8:42 am

MrXxx wrote:
I would agree that everyone is on A spectrum. It's called the human spectrum, but certainly not everyone is on the autistic spectrum. While there are a great deal of NT's that do have certain specific autistic-like traits, that doesn't make them on the autistic spectrum. Not by a long shot.

That's like saying the colors yellow and blue are "on the spectrum." They are on the overall light spectrum, but if you think of autistics as being the portion of the light spectrum that falls within the infrared to ultraviolet range, yellow and blue certainly do not fall within it.

Thanks, MrXxx--eXxxcellent analogy!

After thinking about this question a while, I've decided I don't really care what naysayers think. It's one of those things where what's important is that I know the truth.

I am convinced that we don't know diddly squat about the brain, really, and until we can find a way to actually know how it works and what's going on, it's a lot of guessing--educated guessing, yes, but guessing nonetheless.

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20 Nov 2012, 8:53 am

Yup. "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

I object though. I DO know diddly squat about my brain. :P

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...