DonkeyHotei wrote:
Personally, I'm often glad to be able to participate on autistic panels at NT conferences, but if you oppose the inverse, feel free to voice that in the Yahoo Group linked above. You will be listened to, regardless of what they finally decide on the matter.
I used to be perfectly OK with panels, as well. However, I have now learned that it's a power/status issue. Panels are okay when there's a conference going on and someone from a different profession is needed to advise on a related topic, because there is none or minimal power/status divide there. When it comes to autistic panels at NT conferences about autism, it's wrong because the whole conference is NTs speaking about autistics and then autistics can only speak if they're on a panel that is moderated by an NT. Imagine a conference about Black people organized by Caucasian scholars that has a panel of Black people where they speak about their experiences under the authority of a Caucasian person. Or imagine the same thing with women. When a majority group organizes a conference about a minority group and then gives them only a regulated voice, or chooses "token" people to represent an entire population, that is wrong.
Now, Autreat's NT panel is fair, in a way, because now the minority puts the majority representatives on a panel. The only problem with it now is that there are people at Autreat who are quite anti-NT and ask very inappropriate questions to the NTs on the panel, to push them to the lowest of the lows. I bet they're already uncomfortable with the whole panel thing, because they are basically being inspected for their NT-ness, a little bit like specimens in a zoo. If people cannot keep a peaceful and respectful atmosphere anymore, then the NT panel isn't functioning beneficially for the autistic community anymore, and it should therefore be removed, IMO.
I'll address it in the Yahoo group after I finish with my exams.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.