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19 May 2013, 6:15 am

I don't want revenge on anyone.


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19 May 2013, 8:55 am

MotoScooby wrote:
krazykat wrote:
MotoScooby wrote:
How can we as Aspies, seek revenge on all who hate us and our condition?
By surrounding ourselves with people who accept and support us. Trust me, they are out there!
That is a great idea and I will definitely be doing it myself. How would this be seeking revenge on them though? I want to sort these people out myself, ourselves. We must unite together as one and deal with them.

1. Seeking revenge is stupid, as it lowers you to their level.

2. The best form of revenge is to be successful and passively outlive your enemies.

3. There is no valid reason for us to unite and seek revenge against your enemies.

You are essentially asking for an Aspie 'jihad' against people that you don't like.

Are you a Muslim?


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19 May 2013, 11:02 am

Fnord wrote:
Are you a Muslim?

I would like to point out that far more people have died due to judeo-christian values throughout the years...

The "Muslim Terrorist" is, in reality, a middle eastern terrorist... as there are MILLIONS of muslims all over the world that have nothing to do with those ideals

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.

Snowy Owl
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19 May 2013, 6:16 pm

MotoScooby wrote:
How can we as Aspies, seek revenge on all who hate us and our condition?

By smiling all the time "about nothing" and ignoring everyone else. NTs HATE BEING IGNORED!! ! :D

AS and NT people annoy me about equally.
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19 May 2013, 7:40 pm

if we seek revenge we become just like neurotypicals.


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19 May 2013, 7:48 pm

androbot2084 wrote:
if we seek revenge we become just like neurotypicals.

Once again... discrimination... Not all neurotypicals, nor even a majority, are revenge driven

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.


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19 May 2013, 7:58 pm

Neurotypicals are actually very nice people that is until they meet their first autistic.


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19 May 2013, 8:05 pm

androbot2084 wrote:
Neurotypicals are actually very nice people that is until they meet their first autistic.

1 in 110 is diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder... that means, by the definition of neurotypical we use... 99.99% of the world is one of them...

You cannot tell me, honestly and realistically that 109 out of every 110 people you meet is abusive, hateful or discriminatory.

I am sorry that you have had bad experiences... but expecting them to treat you badly... whether they are NT or AS leads to them doing so. Whether or not they actually did so, or you perceived it so...

I married an NT... she gets me... My sister married an NT... one of my best friends... he gets us... My film team... ALL NTs... and they all are perfectly nice people... they are uneducated on the issues that AS individuals deal with... but they are willing to learn...

We all view reality through the warped lens of our own experience... you do them, and yourself a disservice by expecting to be disliked and disrespected... When we do that, we precipitate the expected behavior by unconscious signals, behaviors, language and body language that lead to a self fulfilling prophecy...

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.

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06 Jun 2013, 10:44 pm

MotoScooby wrote:
How can we as Aspies, seek revenge on all who hate us and our condition?

What you are suggesting is not right morally or ethically...

revenge on some cases is not the answer to everything.


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10 Jun 2013, 5:55 pm

I want revenge against the bourgeoisie and the corrupt politicians who have given us false democracy as for people who hate our condition they are just ignorant reactionaries who do not deserve any attention they are stupid and have been proven wrong they are not worth going to the effort of taking revenge against them.

"All reactionaries are paper tigers."- Mao Tse-Tung

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11 Jun 2013, 11:53 am

DasKommunist wrote:
I want revenge against the bourgeoisie and the corrupt politicians who have given us false democracy as for people who hate our condition they are just ignorant reactionaries who do not deserve any attention they are stupid and have been proven wrong they are not worth going to the effort of taking revenge against them.

"All reactionaries are paper tigers."- Mao Tse-Tung

What a confusing and self contradicting response...

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.


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12 Jun 2013, 5:12 am

indifference is always the best revenge.

malice toward no one,indifference toward all.
i call it " Marie Antoinette syndrome"

Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined


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12 Jun 2013, 7:38 pm

You can't fight fire with fire. Revenge is a negative quality that can't extinguish hate. Supporting victims of hate and discrimination is the best way to deal with ignorant people. The bigger support system we build, full of positive messages and emotions will swiftly wipe away the negativity in this world. We just have to take the time to come together and educate people. That takes great strength and courage to accomplish, and anything worth doing is never easy. Revenge is easy. It isn't worth it.

Jaclyn Hunt
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19 Jun 2013, 6:58 pm

I attended a talk by the Dalia Lama on the weekend, and there was a question asked about forgiveness; how can you forgive someone who has done harm to other humans or animals?

The answer was quite interesting, and fits nicely into this thread; forgive that I will paraphrase, as I can't recall all the details - the talk went for a couple of hours.

What the Dalai Lama said was that you should not get caught up in anger, revenge, or frustration, as this only continues and perpetuates the cycle of violence. You do not have to accept the action or behaviour, and you should not push for punishment.
What you need to do is to understand that some people do bad things, and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it.
Do not initiate anything with them; other than perhaps seek legal intervention - police or court action if appropriate.
Do not approach them on your own.
If you can, then it may be worthwhile to ensure they realise what they have done is wrong, but you need to avoid obsessing or carrying the burden of responsibility for the actions of others.

As an aspie of course this can be difficult, so in my case what I do is try to find myself something else I can immerse myself in, some project, book, or activity that I can be fully absorbed in, so that the taint of the action of others does not dominate my thoughts.

In the days following this talk it has brought me great comfort thinking of this answer.
My family have never been accepting of me and my quirks and peculiarities; they have faked acceptance, and they have alternated between saying there is something wrong with me when it is convenient to them, and to pretending everything is fine when I know it isn't.
There has been extensive psychological abuse and the relationship is too toxic to contemplate trying to repair; I found this out the hard way, having been estranged for some time and trying to re-connect of several occasions; it just hurts too much and puts me in a depressive cycle that I can't escape whilst I remain in contact.

The fact I can't forgive my parents (even now as I reach middle age) has troubled me for some time, as I feel they knew what they were doing but did it anyway.
Now I can accept that they acted wrongly towards me, that they will continue to fail to understand and accept me, and that I don't need to forgive them (I can't forgive someone who continues to do the wrong thing, even if they apologise, as their actions make the apology a lie).
I can in time accept that for whatever reason these people - my family - are not concerned with my welfare, don't have the best intentions, and are not compatible with my happiness or lifestyle.
I am an aspie and I can't change that.

The fact that others don't understand and can't accept how your character, "aspieness", or other difference makes you who you are, is the reason why people who don't understand and accept you should be avoided.
NT's don't hang out with people that don't accept and understand them, so in this regard we have to take the cue from them.

If you can explain yourself, or your condition, or just the quirks that make you who you are and that can be accepted that's great and those people should be accepted, but don't expect everyone to understand you or want to be your friend; it just means that those that make the effort are special, and those that don't are just others; not good or bad, just others, and not part of your life, or at least not someone you will befriend, or interact with on any deep level.

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20 Jun 2013, 10:29 am

Here's the bottom line. The best revenge on anybody is to be super nice to them when they make misconceptions. These are people who know nothing about having Asperger's because they were never diagnosed. They'll never know that being an Aspie is cool (at least for me anyway!) I kinda feel badly for them in a sense, because they are sad, ignorant people who will never know truly what it means to have Asperger's. Also, remember that there are neurotypicals out there who care about Aspies and want to help us with it. Not all neurotypicals are ignorant, and not all misconceptions are necessarily bad. Be proud of who you are and be unique! :D Hopefully, this helps people with Asperger's who need a pep talk!


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21 Jun 2013, 2:17 am

Best revenge? Get rich and roll by your enemies in a brand new Pagani Huayra. Stare them down as you drive by (slowly, of course). If they say anything, don't respond. Just let the moment sink in. Essential prop, besides awesome car, is sunglasses. Optional props; food or drink. Consume optional prop has you stare them down.

More realistic revenge? Live long, prosper, be a better person than them and don't waste your time and energy on jerks. Consider Aspergers a blessing. It filters people. Genuinely good people won't care and will not only accept you, but will also embrace you as you are. The jerks aren't worth the time and trust me, somewhere out there is a NT getting tired of their crap.