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20 May 2015, 2:46 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
Shoggothgoat wrote:
Seriously what kinda of dumba** people would think that drinking bleach is a good idea? not to mention industrial strength bleach. Has there ever been a case where ingesting anything with the name "industrial strenght" in it has been a good idea?
They think it's Carbon dioxide not bleach. They think the bleach claim is big pharma propaganda.
Even if it was carbon dioxide I don't imagine it is healthy to be ingesting carbon dioxide pills or whatever either.
Then refrain from drinking carbonated beverages like Coca-Cola, Monster, and Perrier. Those fizzy little bubbles are all carbon dioxide.

The people pushing MMS as a 'cure' are just looking to make fast and easy money from desperate and ignorant people, so they will tell any lie to make their sadistic methods seem safe.


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20 May 2015, 5:53 pm

Moromillas wrote:
Shoggothgoat wrote:
Seriously what kinda of dumba** people would think that drinking bleach is a good idea? not to mention industrial strength bleach. Has there ever been a case where ingesting anything with the name "industrial strenght" in it has been a good idea?

The desperate kind. The kind that think AS people are so forgone that death would be a better alternative. They'll also say "it's not bleach" and rattle off some chemicals. Seems like they're in the crazy dehumanization camp, where autism is separate from the person, and that it's only dangerous to "the autism".

The chemical they would rattle off is sodium chlorite, the main ingredient. There is no reason for them to think that is bleach. It even looks visually so similar to sodium chloride that if they know just a little chemistry (but only just a little, which is the norm) they may know that sodium chloride is table salt (as they know that H2O is water, it's one of those 'common knowledge' chemicals) and jump to the erroneous conclusion that it is just another harmless salt. The term "mineral" in the title would lead them in that direction.

A bottle of household bleach does say 'sodium hypochlorite' on the ingredient label but visually (if you only know a smidgen of chemistry) that seems farther removed from 'sodium chlorite' than 'sodium chloride' does, which differs by only one letter (which will count for something to people who only know a smidgen of chemistry). Plus there's that word 'mineral' which will make it seem more like salt than bleach.

All in all I can see why people think of this as a harmless relative of salt rather than a bleaching agent. To them, "you're feeding your kid bleach, you monster" will just sound like an unfounded attack.

All in all, I think the feds need to clamp down on this rather than expecting Joe Public to suddenly know enough chemistry to realize what is happening.


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22 May 2015, 4:19 am

Here's a story of abuse right from the cd autism forum. This is just heartbreaking. ... s.png?dl=0

Last edited by Agemaki on 22 May 2015, 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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22 May 2015, 4:21 am

Agemaki wrote:
Here's a story of abuse right from the cd autism forum. This is just heartbreaking.


That didn't work, try imgur?


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22 May 2015, 4:27 am

Working now? Not sure what I did wrong before. :|


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22 May 2015, 4:43 am



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22 May 2015, 4:47 am

Of course they'll try their hardest to act as "normal" as possible, to make it stop, because they're being tortured.


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22 May 2015, 5:02 am

The writing is a little unclear but to me it sounded like the mms made him more agitated. I found it particularly heartbreaking that his stomach was in so much pain that he would hit himself rather than eat. I've read a fair amount of the horrible stuff on there. They also post pictures of the pieces of intestines (they call them rope worms, an imaginary parasite) that their children pass as a result of the mms enemas.


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22 May 2015, 8:53 am

Moromillas wrote:
Of course they'll try their hardest to act as "normal" as possible, to make it stop, because they're being tortured.

Exactly! I'd be like LORDY JESUS I'M CURED...


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23 May 2015, 2:24 am

if they had a real cure then would it not be FDA approved and on the market.obvious hoax

Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined

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01 Jun 2015, 2:00 pm

...and this is the exact reason I tried to leave a particular forum community but got roped back in since I am the group leader of the Meningitis support forum. The management of that forum community allows this group leader of the Autism forum who is a chemist in Mexico and says he has cured children of Autism, to stay on as group leader and keep posting his "cure" for the members who go there looking for help. ... or-sensory

I sincerely hope I haven't broken any rules by posting the above link. I often have to re-read rules because I can never remember them all no matter how important they can be.


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04 Jun 2015, 12:15 am

Seller of “Miracle Mineral Solution” Convicted for Marketing Toxic Chemical as a Miracle Cure

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04 Jun 2015, 12:52 am

First they claim it cures AIDS, now they claim it cures autism. Why haven't the authorities gone after the people selling this s**t? I first heard about it some time around 2010, and I can't believe it's actually making a comeback.

Health Canada has actually released several warnings about the use of Miracle Mineral Solution/Supplement, and afaik, it's banned for sale here as well. ... le+mineral

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06 Jun 2015, 2:21 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:

Thanks for that link. I went back to the forum where the chemist is recommending it from his throne as group leader.


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07 Jun 2015, 12:47 am

Marduk1965 wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:

Thanks for that link. I went back to the forum where the chemist is recommending it from his throne as group leader.

You are welcome

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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07 Jun 2015, 3:05 pm

I feel like this wouldn't even have gotten any notice if people knew more about autism and how it works.