alex wrote:
I think they feel victimized by these attacks so I don't think it'd do anything other than make them even less likely to listen. Obviously they just delete the criticism instead of responding to it.
feeling victimized is a farcry from the real victimization that A$'s followers have done against people on the spectrum, and even further away from how their messages have, and continue to, effect those of us on the spectrum negatively because of how people view Autism.
The damage they've done is so far worse than anything we could ever do to them, by comparison. If they wanted a dialog, they'd stop silencing us all and welcome our opinion about their practices and how and why they negatively effect us, but they don't do that, they never have, even before we all started speaking out, and they never will because they can't earn their millions of dollars when those they pretend to advocate for and help, have nothing positive to say about them. If A$ really wanted real communication with us, they'd make the effort instead of going the other way, and there are so many things that they could be doing to help their image with those of us on the spectrum, none of which they're bothering to do.
Their practice of silencing us is for one thing only:
Money. That's their bottom line, they don't care about anything else. If people knew how the autistic community felt about A$'s practices, they'd lose more support than they could survive from, plain and simple.
Writer. Author.