Think it would be fun to see how well I score at being a crystal child, despite me being the wrong age group.
• • Have large, communicative eyes and an intense stare. I have medium sized eyes but I can on occasion get this dark, weird stare that is unsettling to people, so communicative I think not.
• • Are highly affectionate. Nope.
• • Begin speaking later in life, but often uses telepathy or self-invented words or sign language to communicate. I spoke full sentences at the age of one.
• • Love music and may even sing before talking. I quite liked music, and I am musical.
• • Are extremely connected to animals and nature. I feel sick if I am away from nature for too long, I like having animals in my surrounding.
• • Are often very interested in rocks, crystals, and stones. I quite like them!
• • Are extremely artistic. I wouldn't say extremely, but yea...
• • Are highly empathic and sensitive. I tend not to feel sensitive to other people.
• • Are forgiving and generous to others. I help people more than they deserve, but I hold grudges.
• • Draw people and animals near them and love attention. For some reason, mentally ill people and drunks often approach me. Some animals like me.
• • Often have good sense of balance and are fearless when exploring high places. Good balance yea. Terrified by heights!
• • Often see or hear angels and spirit guides - both their own and others’. Would have been cool but sorry, never did.
• • Dislike high-stress environments with many distractions. Yup.
• • Dislike loud/sharp sounds. Pretty much but I like thunder.
• • Dislike bright, unnatural lights. A bit. As a kid the most natural light, the sun, was really bothersome to me.
• • Often enjoy choosing their own meals and/or when they eat them. Would have been nice having my fav food more often as a kid...
• • Often speak about universal love and healing. Nope, never think I did.
• • Sometimes show healing gifts at young ages. Nope, no healing gifts here.
• • Don’t react well to sugar, caffeine, or unnatural foods/chemicals. Very true!
• • Dislike fighting or refuse to keep an argument going very long. Depends on my mood, sometimes I pick fights...
• • Often show strength in telekinesis (or Psycho kinesis). No and that would freak me out.
• • Often amplify emotional energies they gain from their environment (such as negative energies). Yeh...
• • Can become uncomfortable when around electrical devices too long (watching TV, computer, etc.), sometimes resulting in a trance-like state. No, but I love power outages because it gets so calm. Even the "sound" of electric keeps my mind busy.
• • Sometimes seem clingy to their parents until 4 or 5. Nope.
• • Often stare at people for long periods of time (this allows them to read a person and find out more about them through their own personal memories and energy). Maybe if it was allowed.
• • Can sometimes be manipulative and throw tantrums if they cannot create a reality that is good for them. I was not a manipulative child.
• • Are easily over-stimulated and need to meditate/be alone often to replenish themselves. Yes, alone time is needed!
• • Don’t usually have trouble with fear or worry. OMG! There is a reason I'm addicted to Xanax...
• • Enjoy discussing spiritual or philosophical topics. Used to. Bores me now.
• • May appear to be looking at nothing or talking to no one (sign of clairvoyance and/or clairaudience). I never even had an imaginary friend...