Former Advocate Speaks Out
Yes, Thomas Clements has hit the nail on the head yet again. He seems like the most reasonable self-advocate I've read.
In my disability studies class, we had to read Nick Walker. And the other students ate up his writing. All "oh this is exactly the same thing as racism and homophobia" (no, it is not) and "I'm going to stop using oppressive language like 'symptom' and 'condition' and that will emancipate Autistic ppl more than any horrible condescending charity ever could :^)"
And I actually wrote a long response detailing some of the (many) problems with Walker and no one but the professor responded. (I still got an A though...)
I've also stated many times that there's a distinction between label-centric oppression. (Artificial structures which intentionally oppress people on the BASIS of a label such as LGBT, PoC and the like) and the natural marginalization of people who cannot function like everyone else.
For example, if I make a negative assumption about someone due to their race, that's racism. Activism surrounding the racial identity that is being profiled is necessary.
If I meet someone who seems kind of off, weird, or rude, then I might be distant. This person could be "autistic" (though Clements is correct that we're not even sure what that means...) But I won't know that. I could be the "wokest" "neurodiversity and Autism ally" in the world, and if I don't realize this person is "autistic" (which I may not given how it's not like a name tag that we wear) I could engage in all the harmful behaviors that contribute to the ostracization of people on the spectrum. Because that person was being cold, crazy, weird, rude, or offensive, right?
This is a /big/ distinction from the racial, sexual, and gender based identity politics of previous civil rights movements. It will generate more enthusiasm for Autistic neurodiversity as a concept than it will help actual Autistic people in day to day life.
AQ: 36 (last I checked :p)
Yes Tom Clements seems like he’s a good level headed advocate.
Sound like you are being indoctrinated rather than educated.Good for you in seeing the bigger picture.
The US constitution would protect against Nazi like demands of jailing people for an opinion anyway.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw