Oh god. Another anti-Autism Speaks thread trying to make it look "evil" to prevent a group of social setbacks that greatly hinder people's lives.
Chimchar wrote:
As in 'cure': Are they trying to make us robots? Make us the 'same'? Geez reminds me of high school cliques.
No, because neurotypicals are not all the same and neither are the members of high school cliques. Everyone is different, no matter how much the anti-cure people say otherwise. If anything, I think autistics are more like the robots. Socially inept, elitist robots.
TLPG wrote:
The Autistic Spectrum is a difference. Why prevent a difference? What next? Do we prevent a certain skin colour?
You use the skin color argument everywhere and I'm sick of it. Autism is a disability,
not a difference. Does being black, Muslim, etc. limit their social skills and give them sensory issues?
Mortsnorkle wrote:
Autism Speaks has never advocated the abortion of autistic fetuses. Stating that is totally unfair to them.
Not to mention there's no way to detect autism in an unborn child to begin with.
greendeltatke wrote:
You should ask them why the site only addresses parents of autistic people, and never directly addresses autistics themselves.
Because most autistic children, with the exception of Aspies, cannot comprehend their condition or be able to answer what they may be asked.