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Should we work with Autism Speaks to promote positive images of autism?
Poll ended at 16 Apr 2008, 1:47 am
Yes! This isn't about spite. Any chance to get a positive message across is good. (Besides, if they back out now it will prove to everyone how they really feel.) 40%  40%  [ 36 ]
Not sure... (If this is your answer, please explain why in a Reply Post.) 13%  13%  [ 12 ]
No way! We don't want to make them look like they care while they are still working for a "cure". It's more important that people know we disapprove of their policies. 46%  46%  [ 41 ]
Total votes : 89

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06 Apr 2008, 8:16 am

Yes, we should do this. This is an excellent opportunity to have some influence, and to give the positive side of autism, that's so often not mentioned.

(We should not speculate about historical or living persons and their supposed ASD. I'm talking about people like Albert Einstein and Bill Gates. Speculating will make us look desperate, as if we couldn't find success stories in real life, and the stories will not be reliable. )

But I'm a little bit confused though. What kind of stories? Is it interviews, articles, or what? And what kind of people? Famous ASD cases, or the random person, or what?


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06 Apr 2008, 8:19 am

Hey, we're not exactly in the position to be a major public presence, so we should take these opportunities where we can, while also making it clear that we are not to be pities or compared to AIDS patients.



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06 Apr 2008, 8:52 am

NicholasGray wrote:
Hi everyone.

I'm Nicholas. Some of you may have read and/or listened to the interview Alex did with Alvin Keith and myself about our movie If You Could Say It In Words.

I went with Alex's group to the UN discussion on autiusm awareness this week. I got the chance to ask the panel a question and decided to address the way autistics are potrayed in major advocacy campaigns (especially by Autism Speaks). I suggested that too much time is being devoted to showing the worst moments in autie's lives while none was being spent on celebrating your achievements. I believe this contibutes to a message of pity and fear; it furthers the misconception of auties as damaged/diseased.

Suzanne Wright, the co-counder of Autism Speaks, responded with a public offer to promote positive stories on Autism Speaks' website if I provide them to her. This was, of course, right after she claimed her orgainzation is making a ton of progress to make autistics feel more accepted. She then promptly compared autistics to AIDS patients.


Still, they have all the money. They have all the corporate partnerships. They have the most influential lobbyists. They have the best machinery in place to influence public opinion and the use of government dollars. If there is a chance to get them to take up the right side of this issue for a change, even if its due to nothing more than public pressure, I feel like we should seize it. Helping to steer their organizatoin, with all its capabilities, in the right direction has to be better than going to war with them, right?

But I would like to get feedback from the folks here at wrongplanet on how you feel about it.


The Devil and the Developer topic

After reading the other members' posts, I think there must be a lot of negotiations and legalities sorted out before the Wrong Planet dallies with Autism Spooks.

What does Alex have to say? He is the Founder and Developer of (I still think he paid too much [$80 million] to acquire that site! :lol: :wink:)

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06 Apr 2008, 9:05 am

I was also at the UN meeting and Suzanne Wright did seem to be open to the possibility of putting positive stories on the site. Although the "positive" stories they showed to the UN were pretty negative.

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06 Apr 2008, 9:06 am

How did she compare ASDs to AIDS victims?!

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06 Apr 2008, 10:47 am

Unfortunately AutSpks is here and isn't going to go away. They will condesend to give us a platform, while carrying on regardless. Their portrail of autism is skewed and in some places, blatantly false, and they are fundamentally anti-autism. I won't be AutSqueeks pet monkey, rolled out at parties to show the in-laws just how well they've trained me. I don't think you should either. By all means flood them with positivity but found your own mainstream organization and get Alex to have a meeting with Gates for funding... The sooner Das Ubergeek comes out the better.

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06 Apr 2008, 2:04 pm

Thank you everyone for the feedback. I hope it keeps coming.

Some people asked about:

1. What was the AIDS patient comparison?
She was referencing my question about a "stigma against autistics" that was being worsened by their ad campaign. Her answer was that Autism Speaks was working hard to remove the stigma through their awareness campaign and that she thought "it's going very well" because "once awareness filters down through our society at all levels, the stigma takes away" (sic). But then she said the Ad Council had never taken on a campaign for "a disease" before, and that "you can well remember the stigma that we had with AIDS... that was a milestone to get over that stigma and I think it's just a matter of time." I believe she meant well by it, but it did reveal pretty clearly the way she sees things currently. I hope I didn't make it sound like something worse than it was.

2. What would I submit to them?
I'm open to suggestions from anyone. My only fixed goal is to find stories that help the parents and people at Autism Speaks -- or any NTs anywhere -- to start seeing a shared human condition. I want to keep as a motto for my team "Atypical, not abnormal." Instead of seeing autistics as "broken" I want to help NTs see how the experience of living can be the same, even if the life lived is very different.

I was thinking short video interviews with auties who are, for lack of a better phrase, well-adjusted in their lives now. Maybe they live independently and have a family of their own now. Maybe some who still require a level of supervision and care, but have found some success in a career. People who have made great contributions to our world because of their autism. And especially, people who were lower functioning as children but who are now thriving. It is critical that the folks at Autism Speaks start to understand that these people are not "cured". Their autism didn't "go away". They learned to embrace it, and others around them learned to accept instead of trying to change.

Alison Singer wrote an article not long ago saying that she didn't see how aspies and autistics could even be categorized together. They don't look at all alike to her. I'm sure there are many many parents out there, who have the same misgivings and are developing the same horrible prejudices she has. It would be great to reach out to those people and help them see that LFA and HFA are not mutually exclusive conditions, but shades of the same condition. Maybe we can help them learn the truth before Mrs. Singer gets her propaganda hooks into them.

Those are the kind of stories I would like to get out there.

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06 Apr 2008, 3:44 pm

I have 3 sons aged 9, 8 and 4. My older 2 have Asperger's. I love and enjoy all 3 of my sons.

The biggest difficulties I encounter comes from lack of acceptance in the wider community, lack of adequate support, and lack of understanding by medical professionals and teachers.

My sons are aware that there is poor understanding about Autism / Asperger's in the community.

However I am very scared about when they start hearing Autism Speaks messages. We are always working to build their self-esteem, but I am scared about when they start seeing/hearing these negative advertisements.

With regards low-functioning/non-verbal autistics. Nobody knows exactly how much they understand. But they are not deaf! I'm am sure that the negative messages get through and would be a huge barrier to their function/anxiety/depression etc.

Apart from Autism Speaks hearing from a range of Auties/Aspies, I think they need to be aware of the level of heartache and despair their negativity causes.

My Aspie sons don't cause me despair. I think they're amazing and I have learned so much from there. What causes me despair is the negative media portrayals and difficulty accessing appropriate support for them.

There is a posautive youtube group. Here are a bunch of videos by individuals with autism/asperger's and their parents.

I was thinking short video interviews with auties who are, for lack of a better phrase, well-adjusted in their lives now. Maybe they live independently and have a family of their own now. Maybe some who still require a level of supervision and care, but have found some success in a career. People who have made great contributions to our world because of their autism. And especially, people who were lower functioning as children but who are now thriving.

One of my heroes is CockneyRebel. I don't believe she earns a wage. However her unpaid work is invaluable. CockneyRebel mentored me and my sons when we first joined WrongPlanet.

CockneyRebel is a great friend. Look around WrongPlanet and you will find she is there encouraging and supporting her friends through difficult times. She also has a wicked sense of humour.

If you want to see what a great community WrongPlanet is, and see what great people many Auties/Aspies are, please read some posts by my sons:

1. This one is by my second son soon after he was diagnosed. He was going through a period of extreme anxiety and was attending an Asperger's Clinic 1/week and only going to school 4 days per week. He made this post and we were overwhelmed by incredible kindness, mentoring and support given by members. We printed out this thread and my son looked at it a few times per day for weeks. Free therapy!

2. This thread is by my older son who was diagnosed after his little brother. The first thing he did when we told him was go to WrongPlanet. Please read the support he was given. It was invaluable to helping him accept himself.

These are only 2 examples of support and mentoring that goes on at WrongPlanet.

Yes there are arguments. But there are arguments in any community.



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06 Apr 2008, 5:04 pm

NicholasGray wrote:
Hi everyone.

I'm Nicholas. Some of you may have read and/or listened to the interview Alex did with Alvin Keith and myself about our movie If You Could Say It In Words.

I went with Alex's group to the UN discussion on autiusm awareness this week. I got the chance to ask the panel a question and decided to address the way autistics are potrayed in major advocacy campaigns (especially by Autism Speaks). I suggested that too much time is being devoted to showing the worst moments in autie's lives while none was being spent on celebrating your achievements. I believe this contibutes to a message of pity and fear; it furthers the misconception of auties as damaged/diseased.

Suzanne Wright, the co-counder of Autism Speaks, responded with a public offer to promote positive stories on Autism Speaks' website if I provide them to her. This was, of course, right after she claimed her orgainzation is making a ton of progress to make autistics feel more accepted. She then promptly compared autistics to AIDS patients.


Still, they have all the money. They have all the corporate partnerships. They have the most influential lobbyists. They have the best machinery in place to influence public opinion and the use of government dollars. If there is a chance to get them to take up the right side of this issue for a change, even if its due to nothing more than public pressure, I feel like we should seize it. Helping to steer their organizatoin, with all its capabilities, in the right direction has to be better than going to war with them, right?

But I would like to get feedback from the folks here at wrongplanet on how you feel about it.


You should take her up on her offer. Here's why:

Since I've been on WP, there's countless threads every week with anger/hate in them about Autism Speaks. You'd think folks didn't have anything better to talk about. Be it as it may, if this community really hates the images they see in the media, take Mrs. Wright up on her offer and work with her to change them. Instead of bashing her organization, form an alliance and partner with them to show the world what Aspergers is all about. If anybody can do it, you and Alex can because she strike me as being very intelligent.

However, it's got to be clear that there are many faces of Autism. There are people like Wrong Planet who are functional, Aspergers and able-bodied. Then, you have the mid-to-lower range of Autism where life is very debilitating. That's got to be clear because the public cannot lose sight of the spectrum and those who need help the most. Many people here may not need the services my kid gets, but I don't want some high-functioning dude with a job saying "Autism is okay," and the world not realizing that there are many like us who need the services in order to get our kids to the point where they can be just as functional as everyone else.

In putting yourselves out there, please make sure the world doesn't get the impression that everybody with Autism is high-functioning. Because if that happens, we're back to square one. All the services end and so does respect, advocacy and acknowledgement.

Last edited by NewportBeachDude on 06 Apr 2008, 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Apr 2008, 5:11 pm

In the context, the comparison between autism and AIDS isn't that bad- it sounds like she just meant that both are incureable and subject to bad press.

Shame she didn't mention that much of the bad press for autism was caused by her foundation!

There are a few similarities between HIV and autism, but by comparing the two, she inadevertently casts autism in an extremely bad light- why couldn't she have chosen another chronic disability? One where people have learnt to live with their differences and portray themselves in a more positive light, for example the deaf community. By associating autism with an incureable fatal viral infection, (one often associated with a search for a cure) she has compounded the belief that autism is horrific and must be eradicated at all costs. Surely highlighting the differences between autism and deadly diseases such as HIV would be a better step towards acceptance?

edit: I voted 'no' in the poll, but I'm kind of changing my mind- I read the person aboves post and it has several good points


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06 Apr 2008, 6:08 pm

Fuzzy wrote:
Hopefully Alex will never take money from them. once people give you money, they start telling you what to do.

wait a minute, Fuzzy dear. I have contributed to WP and I don't get to tell them what to do!



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06 Apr 2008, 7:24 pm

I would be all for it, but I am hesitent to say yes.

The reason is that I don't want to come off as if I support their videos and the other stuff they put out.

I think that if we do it, we have to have them agree to saying that we are not in favor of a cure and ask to be respected as we are.

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06 Apr 2008, 7:37 pm

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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06 Apr 2008, 8:59 pm

I didn't read all the comments, sorry, but, where do I have to send my history then? Because after a lot of struggle in my teen years now I am happy, have a girlfriend, attend college, everything is good to me now.

I left this site and if any mods read this please delete my posts. Thank you.


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06 Apr 2008, 9:00 pm

The only way that I can see something like this to be an approach that I can personally accept is if all of the spectrum is appreciated, not just those that are high functioning. All people have value, because they're human, not just becuase they earn a paycheck, or can raise a family, or even speak. If that's the kind of autism awareness that's going to come out this, then leave me out of it. I have a son on the spectrum that will probably live on his own, and hold a job as an adult, I also have one that probably won't do either of those things, or possibly speak. I accept them both just as they are, and I am working hard trying to get society to, too. Can you take a wild guess at which one's future I fear for the most? I'm getting kinda sick of this whole AS haughtiness toward LFA. It's like saying "society should accept us, and not expect us to change, but the ones on the lower end of the spectrum need to change for society." I don't understand this logic.

I'm so mad right now, that I don't even know if I'm making sense, so I need to go calm down for a bit.


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06 Apr 2008, 10:23 pm

And I just learned to be happy as I am. I do not want to be cured and do not want to support anyone that tries to cure me.

That said, I do think I would like to send them my first blog post from here.

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