slowmutant wrote:
Ecstasy is a dangerous narcotic. It's not exactly an over-the-counter product, now is it?
The FDA and its Canadian counterpart would discourage the use of E for recreational and medicinal purposes. If it's classified as a narcotic or controlled substance by the government, it's hazardous. Given all the pharma I'm already on, one hit of E would probably kill me or mess me up real bad, damage my brain.
Just because the government or your doctor says it's good/bad, or just because it's sold over the counter doesn't mean it's safe/unsafe.
So by your logic, marijuana is dangerous, but cigarettes and alcohol are okay? Let me tell you right now, that marijuana has never hurt, let alone killed, anyone.
I also suppose that you should go drink some of the stuff under the sink since it's not a controlled/classified substance? It must be safe, right?
It's not MDMA that's inherently dangerous. It's all the other crap they mix it with. You don't know what's in your pill when you get it.
And of course, overuse of anything is not good.
It sure would be refreshing to see someone actually research their claims about drugs they obviously know nothing about before they go spouting copious amounts of BS. Not only that, but the government has no place telling people what they should or should not put in their bodies. If I want to take mushrooms, drink vodka and smoke a joint while shooting up heroin, by god, I have every right to. The combo could well be fatal depending on the dosage of booze and heroin, but that's my business, now isn't it?
When are people going to wake up to the fact that the drug war is a miserable, shameful failure, and that the government's drug legislation is just an effort to control the people?
By and large, psychoactive drugs are not compatible with society as we know it. It causes people to think too much. Drug legislation is sort of a message that says, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". Go back to sleep, America. Your government is in control.