I ate parts of ten animals today.
Temple Grandin is only controversial within the Autistic Community with people who are trying to establish their "leadership" of said "Autistic Community"
There is no such thing as an "Autistic Community" we are all a "Culture of one."
Like all political types trying to grab the "leadership" for power and profit, conflict with respected people, pandering to PETA, are the usual methods.
The "Leadership of the Autistic Community" sounds like, "Lord of the Flies", something Autism Speaks would fund.
Dr. Temple Grandin is a respected scientist who has a well deserved worldwide fame for designing humane animal handeling systems.
Dr. Temple Grandin is also a published author in other fields, her books on Autism have sold worldwide, and she has done more than any other person to debunk the myths and explain the reality of autism.
Jim Sinclair is a self promoter, running shock jock attacks to get attention, that he has done nothing of merit to deserve.
Like all self promoting "Leaders", he has never lead anything, changed anything, and takes cheap shots at those who, by a lifetime of good works, have made the world a better place.
There is no contraversy, all self proclaimed leaders are frauds, con men, and are looking to cause trouble as a means of gaining attention and power.
Autism is not a social impairment, it is the ability to see through the games, manipulations, and to judge things from the view of self. Leaders wish to take that role, to tell everyone else what they should think.
Autists are like snowflakes, no two alike, so there can be no leaders, we all are.